Thursday 28 December 2017

فوركسوما إدارة الأموال

في هذه المقالة سوف تركز على التحليل الفني داكس 1H الإطار الزمني. لتداول بلدي استخدام 3 إطارات زمنية في نفس الوقت (D1، H1، 5M) ولكن كل ساعة هو المعتاد أهم واحد. للحصول على اتجاه التحيز أأخذ بعين الاعتبار 50MA (المتوسط ​​المتحرك البسيط). تذكر أن it8217s فقط خط و دوسن 8217t يعني أننا لا يمكن أن التجارة بشكل مختلف 8211 it8217s المستخدمة لاتجاه عام. أدخل المعتاد في الصباح عند بدء جلسة (9-10 صباحا وقت الخادم). الإعداد 1: 9am فواصل شمعة الماضي عالية. الإعداد 2 9am شمعة تسير إلى أسفل. الشمعة التالية رفضت 50MA وهي ترتفع. يمكننا تحديد شراء وقف النظام في السابق 8217 ثانية الشمعة عالية، ولكن it8217s أفضل لدعم مع 5 متر. إذا أغلقت في وقت مبكر جدا، هل يمكن إعادة إدخال (5) عندما ارتدت شمعة 5:00 قبالة 50MA والسعر كسر أعلى مستوياته الماضية. الإعداد 4: هناك 8217s 40 نقطة إلى آخر ارتفاع لذلك نحن ننتظر 9am شمعة لتشكيل، ثم ندخل بعد اختراقها. الإعداد 5: رفض 50MA. الإعداد 6: أنا don8217t استخدام أي مؤشرات التذبذب مثل ماسد لأنها تظهر ما هو بالفعل أن ينظر إليه على الرسم البياني. هنا مثال آخر: ترى مثل السعر بالكاد جعل عالية جديدة ويبدأ في تعزيز. وهذا يجعل إشارة الاختلاف وأنا أفضل أن تتجاهل 50MA هنا. دخول بعد تشكيل 9am شمعة في مستوى منخفض. الإعداد 7: 9am فواصل شمعة منخفضة الماضي. الإعداد 8: 9am شمعة didn8217t كسر انخفاض منخفض ولكن 10am شمعة شكلت بينبار كبير يؤكد الاتجاه الهبوطي. مخطط 5M سيكون مفيدا هنا. الإعداد 9amp10: إدخالات خاطئة، يبدأ السوق لتعزيز. الإعداد 11: اختراق واضح من 10am شمعة فوق 50am وبعد التوحيد (اليوم الماضي 8217s أعلى مستوى منخفض). الأعداد التالية هي كسر من آخر ارتفاع أو 9 صباحا شمعة. الإعداد 18: رفض 50MA. الإعداد 20: 9 صباحا فواصل شمعة فوق 50MA. مخطط 5M سيكون مفيدا. الإعداد 23: استنادا إلى الرسم البياني اليومي. ندخل بعد 9:00 شمعة. أيا كان القرار الذي سوف تجعل في 4 و 5 من آب / أغسطس سيكون لديك خسارة. الإعداد 32: 2 الإدخالات المحتملة. يمكن أن ندخل في وقت سابق عندما كان رد فعل السعر إلى أعلى مستوى من التوحيد. الإعداد 33: 10am فواصل شمعة الماضي عالية و 50MA في نفس الوقت. الإعداد 34: فواصل تحت 50MA. I8217d استخدام المخطط 5M. هنا هي الاجهزة القادمة: كما ترون، وبعد هذا الأسلوب سوف تحصل على العديد من الفرص الجيدة لكسب المال، حتى لو كنت don8217t المواقف الهرم. تم تصميم هذه الاستراتيجية ل داكس فقط. يمكنني استخدام 5 دقائق الإطار الزمني بسبب ارتفاع التقلب ولكن it21217s عديمة الفائدة عند تداول العملات على سبيل المثال. في عام 1992 اثنين من الروس: الكسندر ميخلين ومايكل دفارتسوف وجدت 8220 حديقة ماني 8221 (مغفوريكس). قدمت الشركة تداول الفوركس لعملاء التجزئة من خلال الاتصال بشبكة الانترنت في عام 1997. في البداية تم تحديث أسعار الصرف مرة واحدة في الدقيقة. وكانت الفكرة هي تقديم الرهانات المتبادلة لمعدلات صرف العملات إلى عملاء التجزئة (وليس العملات) مع حصص الرافعة المالية. وكان هذا هو الطريق للحصول على قانون تداول العملات، وتداول العقود الآجلة اللوائح وأنظمة القمار. سمحوا للعملاء بفتح حسابات تجريبية لمدة شهر واحد. توقفت الشركة عن تقديم النقد الاجنبى بالتجزئة فى 10 سبتمبر 2010. فقدت أموال العملاء. موقعهم على الانترنت فوريكسنوس لا يزال يعمل. في عام 1999 تم العثور على غين كابيتال (نيو جيرسي، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية). منذ عام 2004 منصة الفوركس التجزئة على الانترنت. في الوقت الراهن it8217s أكبر وسيط التجزئة. لجعلها أكثر مضحك، تم شراء كل من الشركات (غين كابيتال وحديقة المال) في عام 2008 من خلال مجموعة روزنثال كولينز. في نفس العام، بدأت الشركة لتقديم خدمات بروكرديلر وفي عام 2009 بدأت خدمات إن. في عام 2010 اتهم الشركة 495.000 من قبل الرابطة الوطنية للعقود الآجلة (نفا) بسبب الممارسة غير المشروعة. أسواق الفوركس الآجلة للأوراق المالية التي تصدرها 8220Currency شركات التجارة 8221. اثنين أو أكثر كتس يمكن أن تشكل إن (شبكة الاتصالات الإلكترونية). وهي توفر عقود تداول كفد (عقود الاختلاف: عقود مستقبلة غير مقيدة بذاتها لأسعار الصرف). سوق النقد الأجنبي الدولي هو سوق ما بين البنوك. وهي ليست منظمة، وليس مركزية مع أي مكان معين. وتقوم البنوك وصناديق الاستثمار المتداولة والمؤسسات المالية الكبيرة بتبادل العملات مباشرة من خلال منصة إلكترونية (إبس، رويترز). العميل التجزئة ليس لديه الوصول إلى السوق بمعنى التداول وكذلك المعلمات. ويمكنه شراء العملة في نافذة البنك دون معرفة الطريقة الحقيقية بينه وبين البنوك. لا يمكن لعملاء الفوركس بالتجزئة المشاركة بين البنوك بأي شكل من الأشكال والشيء الوحيد الذي تداول العملات الأجنبية لديه إلى الانتربنك هو محاكاة لأحداث السوق الحقيقية. كيفية التحقق من ما إذا كنت تتداول من خلال البنوك ما بين البنوك لا تقدم الرافعة المالية لا تقدم البنوك بين البنوك والأسهم والعقود والمؤشرات 8230 أي شيء ولكن العملات يمكنك سحب أي عملة من حسابك يتم التحكم في سوق العملات الدولية كلها فقط من قبل هذه البنوك القليلة: دويتشه بنك (18 (6،30) بنك إتش إس بي سي (4،55) بنك كريت سويس (4،44) بنك بي اس اسكتلندا (6،50) بنك أوف اسكتلندا (6،50) بنك أوف اسكتلندا ) جولدمان ساكس (4،28) مورغان ستانلي (2،91) 4 أمريكي، 3 بريطاني، 2 سويسري و 1 بنك ألماني. وسعر الفوركس التنزيلات معدلات من مزود البيانات المالية (برنامجه نفذت قائمة من مقدمي الخدمات، وقال انه يحتاج فقط لقبول شروط أمبير الظروف وتشغيل واحد منهم). ثم البيانات المقدمة هي 8220adjusted8221 من قبل وسيط ومشتركة لعملائه. تتيح تقنية إن للوسيط العثور على الجانب الآخر من التجارة من خلال مجتمع إن. يتم استخدامه من قبل وسطاء صغيرة مع رأس المال غير كافية للحفاظ على السيولة أو من قبل وسطاء أكبر لتغطية خسائرهم التي أدلى بها التجار الفوز. لذلك في الواقع جميع الوسطاء هم صناع السوق وبعضهم لديهم خيار التحكيم من خلال إن. هناك isn8217t واحد. نحن don8217t تجارة العملات الحقيقية ولكن العقود مقابل الفروقات. يرصد كل شيء في جيب الوسطاء وليس هناك أي أموال أخرى. إذا كان لديك أي شكوك ثم تحقق الشروط شروط أمب التي كان لديك للاتفاق مع الوسيط الخاص بك. هناك 8217s لا خيار الائتمان الدائر. موفيريويو سوف تجد بيان يقترح جميع المعاملات ليست حقيقية والسوق والرسوم المتحركة من قبل وسيط. وهذا يعني أن الخسائر الخاصة بك لا يمكن أن تتجاوز الأموال المودعة. أبدا دفع الوسيط الخاص بك إذا كان لديك دين، وقال انه لا يمكن الفوز بأي إجراءات قانونية إلا إذا كنت don8217t الدفاع عن نفسك. ماذا لو كنت ترغب في تداول الفوركس بدون وسطاء من الممكن تداول العقود الآجلة مع العقود الآجلة من خلال بورصة الأوراق المالية المنظمة (مثل بورصة نيويورك يورونكست) وتبادل السلع مثل بورصة نيويورك التجارية، بورصة نيويورك (شيكاغو)، بورصة لندن للتبادل، (جليد). كان الغرض منه هو خدمة العملاء الأغنياء ولكن لحسن الحظ السوق يفتح للعملاء الصغار في الوقت الحاضر. الآن الرافعة المالية المتاحة حوالي 10: 1 وعقد واحد يستحق 1000 وحدة من العملة الأساسية. لا تزال تحتاج إلى وفورات كبيرة لكسب لقمة العيش معها. تداول العملات من خلال البنك ليس خيارا. جميع اللجان (إيداع، سحب الخ) و ينتشر سوف تقتل الأرباح المحتملة. الشيء الآخر هو أنه يمكنك تداول العملات يقترن فقط مع عملتك (كنت don8217t أزواج التجارة ولكن العملات الفعلية). ليس هناك معنى لشراء نزد التي يمكن أن تباع 8220against8221 كاد إذا كنت تستطيع شراء كاد مباشرة (أقل سبريادسيسيونس). إذا كنت ترغب في استخدام البيانات 8220 الأولى اليد 8221 يمكنك شراء وتثبيت البرامج المهنية التي تستخدمها المؤسسات. يكلف فقط 6000 فقط في الشهر أو نحو ذلك. هذه ليست سوى بعض الحقائق التي أردت مشاركتها هنا. آمل أن تكونوا مثل المعلومات. معظم التجار مبتدئ يعتقدون أنها لن تنجح دون بعض استراتيجية تجارية قوية وموثوق بها وربما معقدة للغاية. وهم يعتقدون أن التعلم من خلال قراءة الكثير من الكتب الإلكترونية، والحضور إلى الندوات وقضاء بعض الوقت على استراتيجيات الأمثل أمر لا بد منه. التعلم هو شيء جيد، ولكن تحميل عقلك مع مجموعة من المعرفة كربي لن تحصل في أي مكان. كنت في حاجة واحدة، وسهلة الاستخدام الطريقة التي يمكن أن تتعلم في يوم واحد، ويمكنك كسب المال. كنت don8217t تحتاج إلى قضاء سنوات على التعلم، تحتاج فقط إلى اتباع إشارات واضحة. أن 8217s ذلك. ولكن المشكلة هي بوضوح في عقلك. عدم وجود الاتساق واختيار إشارات لا يمكن الاعتماد عليها أو حتى أنظمة معقدة للغاية يجعلك تفقد الخاص بك كسب المال الثابت. اليوم I8217m الذهاب الى تقديم لكم واحدة من الاستراتيجيات التي يمكنني استخدامها ولكن don8217t نتوقع أن نتعلم أي شيء جديد هنا. It8217s مكتوبة فقط لتظهر لك كيف وهمية هو العقل البشري. استراتيجية بسيطة القتلى و it21217s على أساس إشارات الشمعدان اليومية. الإطار الزمني اليومي هو المفتاح هنا، فإن الأطر الزمنية المنخفضة تنتج المزيد من الإشارات الخاطئة. إشارة لدينا هو واحد شمعة قوية اليومية، والتي يمكن أن تعرف باسم بينبار أو ماروبوزو شمعة. خصائص شمعة الإشارة: حجم شمعة لا يقل عن 23 من التقلب اليومي المتوسط ​​وليس أكثر من ذلك 2x تقلب متوسط. لجسم الإعداد الطويل يجب أن تكون خضراء وجسم الإعداد القصير يجب أن يكون أحمر للإعداد طويلة الفتيل أعلى يجب أن تكون قصيرة جدا (والعكس بالعكس) لفترة طويلة الإعداد الفتيل السفلي يجب أن يكون على الأقل نصف حجم شمعة (و والعكس صحيح). نحن بحاجة إلى تصحيح واضح واضح. قواعد الدخول والخروج: الدخول بعد إغلاق الشمعدان سي في نهاية شمعة تب كمتوسط ​​تقلب يومي والفكرة هي بقعة حركة موثوق بها من يوم واحد حيث كان السعر قد ارتجعت والحركة رفض بشدة. أوسوالي يتبع ذلك نفسه الاتجاه في اليوم التالي. مهم. ونحن نركز على شمعدان إشارة فقط، أي اتجاه، سوبورتريسيستانس أو أي ظروف أخرى المطلوبة. المثال أدناه هو الزوج غبجبي 2016 الأداء. متوسط ​​الحركة اليومية هو 250 نقطة (هدفنا تب) والحد الأدنى لحجم الشمعدان هو 170 نقطة. أنا didn8217t تحسين المعلمات للحصول على أفضل النتائج الممكنة، فهي كلها منطقية، ويمكن استخدامها مع أزواج أخرى بنفس الطريقة، ولكن بينبارس العمل أفضل مع جبي الصلبان والدولار والجنيه الاسترليني كذلك. إشارات بينبار يمكن تداولها مع الهرم وغيرها من التقنيات كذلك. ويمكن الجمع بين مستويات سر و بب للقبض على خطوة أكبر ولكن أن 8217s كل قصة أخرى. ملاحظة تذكر أنه للحصول على جودة الأداء الشيء الوحيد الذي يهم هو الرسم البياني الأسهم وليس الربح النسبة المئوية. في هذه الحالة كان الأداء جيدا بشكل مدهش، لكنه لا يختلف 8217t ذلك بكثير مع أزواج وفترات أخرى. P. S.2 أداء الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الين الياباني لعام 2015. الشيء الوحيد الذي تغيره I8217ve هنا كان لتحديد المخاطر 1: 1 لأن التقلب كان أقل لفترة طويلة. النتائج يمكن أن تختلف من التاجر إلى التاجر ولكن إذا كنت التمسك مفهوم ينبغي أن تكون مربحة على المدى الطويل. والهدف الرئيسي من هذه التجربة هو إثبات أن كسب المال هو ممكن وكنت don8217t بحاجة إلى أي معرفة سرية. طالما كنت تعلم تداول العملات الأجنبية يقال لك لاختيار أفضل الاجهزة فقط. إذا كنت تأخذ أفضل الاجهزة وترك بقية سوف تحد من الخسائر الخاصة بك وتجنب أوفيرترادينغ. هذا صحيح مع معظم استراتيجيات التداول ولكن إذا كنت 8217re من ذوي الخبرة بما فيه الكفاية يجب أن نعرف أن عليك أن تكون مرنة. ليس كل سوق وليس كل استراتيجية تناسب هذه القاعدة. هل أقول أن عليك أن تنسى القاعدة وأدخل كل الإعداد الضعيف الذي يمكن سبوتد لا، أنا don8217t يقول ذلك. الشيء أكثر تعقيدا. انظر إلى الرسم البياني أدناه: هذا هو بعض الرسم البياني ل داكس. الآن السؤال هو أي مستوى كنت سوف تختار كما لحظة دخولك 8211 مستوى 1 الذي هو أكثر خطورة أو المستوى 2 الذي يمنحك المزيد من الثقة Let8217s حساب الربح من موقفنا عندما هناك 8217s 80 نقطة التي يتعين اتخاذها (نحن don8217t رعاية أسباب الخروج، فقط الحسابات): الآن Let8217s حساب الربح لنفس الموقف إذا أدخلنا الإعداد أكثر خطورة: الفرق هو: إذا كانت الحركة من المستوى 2 سيكون 100 نقطة طويلة ثم الفرق سيكون أكبر من ذلك: (102 0،5) × 100 550 نقاط (142 0،5) × 140 1050 نقطة 1050 8211 550 500 نقطة لذلك إذا أدخلنا إعدادا أكثر خطورة فإننا سوف نخاطر 40 نقطة في المتوسط ​​(أو أقل) للحصول على 420 إضافية أو حتى 500 نقطة. هذا هو السبب في أنني don8217t الانتظار لأقوى مستويات ليتم كسر ولكن أحاول أن أدخل في أقرب وقت ممكن. نضع في اعتبارنا أن تحتاج إلى سيناريوهات ممكنة في عقلك والتمسك قرارك. إذا كان السعر يتحرك جانبيا بعد إدخالك، إلا أن الأطر الزمنية الأعلى تخبرك بأن الإعداد لا يزال صالحا، ثم استمر في العمل حتى لا يحدث إجراء قوي ضدك. أين هو دخول جيد بالطبع ليس هناك إجابة بسيطة، وهذا يعتمد على كيفية 8220feel8221 السوق. الأهم هو أنه يجب أن يكون المنطق ودائما مع الاتجاه. إذا كنت تحقق مخططات بلدي 5min داكس مع إدخالات سترى أن أشتري فوق 50 المتوسط ​​المتحرك وبيعه أدناه. It8217s ليس لأن 50MA يقول لي ذلك. it8217s لأنني don8217t تذهب ضد اتجاه السعر و أنا don8217t التجارة في حين it8217s تتحرك جانبية. هناك ما لا يقل عن 5 إلى 7 ركوب الخيل جيدة وحادة وقوية على داكس كل شهر التي يمكن أن تضاعف حسابك إذا كنت تتبع قواعد بلدي. فإنه doesn8217t المسألة إذا كنت تأخذ المزيد من الخسائر لأن الحركات القوية سوف تغطي كل منهم بسهولة. تحتاج فقط إلى التمسك خطتك وخفض الخسائر بسرعة. نضع في اعتبارنا أن تداول العملات هو مختلف قليلا ولكن لا يزال ذلك 8217s أفضل للدخول في وقت مبكر جدا ثم في وقت متأخر جدا. ويستند بلدي الإعداد على ظروف مثالية من الرسوم البيانية اليومية. هنا يمكنك أن ترى لقطة من المحاكاة بلدي على داكس. هناك أوامر في مكانها وجاء الربح في اليوم الثاني بالفعل. كما تم وضع علامة على مكان مهم حيث يجب أن يكون عدد أقل من ذلك بكثير -70 خلال التعليم الخاص بك هنا صيغة لحساب الأرباح في الهرم (مع جميع المواقف في نفس المسافة واحدة من بعضها البعض): (عدد من المواقف 2) 0،5 x المسافة من 1st موقف الآن let8217s جعل بعض الأمثلة: نحن بناء الهرم مع جميع المواقف في مسافة 10 نقطة. وضعنا ترتيب تب في 140 نقطة. هنا هو هدفنا: (142) 0،5 × 140 نقطة 7،5 x 140 1050 نقطة وهذا يعني أن ربح 8220original8221 لموقفك هو 140 نقطة، ولكن بعد إضافة 13 موقعا آخر في هذه الأثناء، ينمو الربح إلى 1050 نقطة . الآن Let8217s مناقشة مثال حيث نحن don8217t ديك أي ترتيب تب والسعر يتراجع مرة أخرى قبل إغلاق تسلسل كامل. الآن نحن بحاجة إلى حساب 2 الأشياء: الشيء 1 هو نتيجة من المواقف المربحة لذلك نحن بحاجة إلى النظر فقط مسافة من 1st موقف للخروج نقطة. الشيء الثاني هو نتيجة من فقدان المواقف التي سيتم احتسابها مع مسافة من آخر موقف إلى نقطة الخروج. على سبيل المثال: نحن نبني هرم وسعر تحركت ل 140 نقطة في صالحنا ولكن بعد ذلك فجأة ارتدت مرة أخرى وأغلقنا الهرم كله في نقطة دخول المركز ال 12. 15 نقطة مفتوحة (اللحظة عند 140 نقطة هي المركز 15) 11 نقطة في الربح (110 نقطة المسافة من 1 إلى نقطة الخروج) 3 مواقف في الخسارة (30 نقطة المسافة من 15 إلى 12) 1 موقف في التعادل (12th واحد) الربح (1120 ، 5) x110 8211 (320،5) x30 6215110 8211 221530 600 لذلك كان موقفنا يحقق ربحا قدره 660 نقطة في أفضل حالاتها وكانت النتيجة النهائية ربح 600 نقطة. إذا تركنا موقفنا لتتبع 50 من التسلسل سيكون لدينا نفس العدد من المواقف المربحة والخاسرة (التعادل). طيب، وهذا يكفي لمقالة واحدة والقادم سيكون أكثر الحسابات المتعلقة بتداول داكس. اليوم I8217m الذهاب لجعل وظيفة مختلفة ثم المعتاد. قد يكون هذا المنصب مهم جدا لأنني أعتقد أنك غاب عن بعض النصائح الهامة التي يمكن أن تغير التداول الخاص بك والتفكير. قبل أن نبدأ، يرجى ملء هذا الاستبيان: هل قرأت مشاركاتي أكثر مرة واحدة إذا كان أي من إجاباتك 8220no8221 فهذا يعني أنه بعد 3 أسابيع من كتابي كنت dnn8217t اتخاذ جميع الخطوات لإتقان هذه الاستراتيجية. أولا وقبل كل شيء، تحتاج إلى وضع كل هذه المعرفة في النظام. ثانيا، تحتاج إلى معرفة كيف يعمل على السوق الحية وليس فقط نظرية. مراقبة الرسوم البيانية الحية لن تحصل في أي مكان، يمكنك مراقبة الرسوم البيانية التاريخية مع نفس النتيجة. الآن I8217m الذهاب إلى التوصل إلى اتفاق معكم. من الآن فصاعدا، سيتم دفع هذا 8220course 8221 قليلا بالطبع. سوف تحتاج إلى دفع لي مع المال المحرز مع بلدي الدروس. وهذا يعني أنك تحتاج إلى تعلم استراتيجيتي حتى تتمكن من كسب المال من خلال الفوركس (أو العقود مقابل الفروقات) ومن ثم تبادل الأرباح الأولى معي. أنا دون 8217t الرعاية إذا it21217s 500 أو 5000، الشيء المهم الوحيد هو أن it8217s الربح الخاص بك من التداول. وإلا فإن الدورة مجانية. حتى الآن يجب أن تبذل قصارى جهدكم لتكون قادرة على دفع لي، والحق الآن الحصول على العمل P. S. وسوف أكتب المزيد من التفاصيل حول بلدي سي وغيرها من المفاهيم ولكن win8217t مساعدتك طالما كنت don8217t القيام بما سبق. P. S.2 كانت إجابتي 8220yes8221 حتى don8217t أن يفاجأ كما ذكرت في مقالتي الأخيرة. نحن على حق في مستوى المقاومة القوي على أساس يومي: آمل أن يكون هناك اختراق للمقاومة التي ستستمر مع حركة قوية على الأرجح. كما ترون، اليوم 8217s جلسة didn8217t تحرك السعر صعودا ومع ذلك لا يزال لدينا ساعات قليلة لإنهاء اليوم، وأود أن wnn8217t نتوقع أي تغيير كبير إذا كان هناك 8217s أي أخبار مهمة ليتم الافراج عنهم. دخلت I8217ve المركز الأول في الصباح عندما تم كسر خط المقاومة قليلا من قبل شمعة الزخم: السعر ارتدت مرة أخرى لاختبار خط دعم جديد، وفي الوقت نفسه شكلت شمعة دوجي كبيرة على الرسم البياني لكل ساعة (تردد). بدأت الشمعة القادمة على شكل ساعة لتشكيل وارتفع السعر مرة أخرى. لسوء الحظ تحولت وتحركت تحت خط الدعم لدينا للوصول إلى مستوى الدخول من شمعة الزخم. قررت I8217ve مغادرة هنا والانتظار لاتخاذ إجراء آخر. أنا قطعت موقفي بسرعة مع خسارة صغيرة، وإذا ارتفع السعر أخيرا سأجعل الربح بلدي على أي حال. قررت أن اتبع الرسم البياني لكل ساعة لدخول أفضل وهنا مقاومة 8217s لذلك: تم رسمها مباشرة بعد إغلاق مواقفي. الآن يمكنك أن ترى ما حدث في وقت لاحق: رد فعل السعر إلى خط وأكدت صحة 8217s. لاحظ أن it8217s محفوفة بالمخاطر للدخول في المساء، وسوف ننتظر حتى جلسة غدا ونرى ما إذا كان الفرامل فوقه. تذكر أنك لن تجد طريقة مثالية لمداخلك. هذا لا تنتهي أبدا الرحلة وإذا كنت ترغب في كسب المال، يجب عليك التركيز على السيطرة على المخاطر وإدارة المال السليم. ملاحظة I8217m تحاول مع بعض البرامج النصية لمكافحة البريد المزعج لأن i8217m الحصول على عشرات من التعليقات من السيد. 8220cocksucker8221، مر. 8220cockhead8221 أند مر. 8220carpet muncher8221 حول الكازينو الخدمات عبر الإنترنت. حتى إذا كان لديك أي مشاكل مع نشر تعليقك يرجى الإبلاغ عن ذلك هنا أو إسقاط بريد إلكتروني في لوكسكوتسكاماتغمايل. إذا كنت تتداول المؤشرات التي تعرفها عن وجود علاقة قوية بين جميع الأسواق الرائدة حيث يرتبط اقتصاد word8217s ارتباطا وثيقا. والأكثر أهمية بالنسبة لنا هو سوق الولايات المتحدة الذي يدفع الاقتصاد لكلمة واحدة و it8217s العملة هو احتياطي للأسواق العالمية. إذا كنت تتبع زوج العملات أوسد عبرت يجب أن تلاحظ أنها تتفاعل بقوة ل بولينجر باندز التي هي مؤشر على التقلب. العملات الأخرى تفعل الشيء نفسه ولكن الدولار هو الأكثر موثوقية. هنا 8217s مثال على أوسدبلن الرسم البياني: الشيء نفسه ينطبق على الأسهم الأمريكية والمؤشرات. هنا هو الرسم البياني SampP500 الحق أسفل داكس: الآن هنا 8217s الوضع الحالي: كما ترون، لا يزال مستوى الدعم القوي من سامب دافع من قبل الثيران وسوف على الأرجح ترتفع مرة أخرى، ولكن we8217re في سوق جانبية، وينبغي أن نستعد ل اختراق قوي قريبا. قد يبدو مثل الحركة من 24 يونيو على داكس. لذلك it8217s سحابة الثقيلة ولكن لا يزال لا المطر. اليوم نحن على حق في خط مقاومة قوية واضحة. إذا كسرها فمن الممكن أنها سوف ترتفع إلى مستوى التوحيد 8217s المقاومة: تذكر أننا don8217t التنبؤ ما سيحدث يمكننا أن نرسم فقط بعض السيناريوهات ولكن نحن بحاجة للرد على السوق سريع ونقلت داكس الآجلة المستقبلية من قبل نظام زيترا. شيترا يتيح أوامر الجميع 8217s في سوق العقود الآجلة فقط بين 9.00 و 17.30 (ألمانيا بالتوقيت المحلي). لهذا السبب، يسمح التداول المنتظم على عقود داكس المستقبلية فقط خلال 9 إلى 17.30 ساعة. خلال (7.50) 8.00 8211 9.00 و 17.30 8211 20.30 و 20.30 8211 22.00 يتم تداول سهم ليتيرلي داكس. ويحسب it8217s كل 60 ثانية وفقط من خلال نظام المعاملات في فرانكفورت ويرتبط الفهرس. نظام المعاملات من سوق الأوراق المالية دوسلدورف 8217s يمتد ساعات التداول حتى 23.00، وما 8217s أكثر صناع السوق تمكن التداول خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. حتى إذا واحد 8217s bored8230 وبالمثل إلى أسواق العقود الآجلة الأخرى، وهناك مراحل مثل الاحماء، وتحديد. الاحماء من 7.50 إلى 9.00. خلال الاحماء هناك اثنين من المثبتات الصغيرة: 8.25-8.30 و 8.50-9.00 التي تتعلق مؤشر النقد. في 9.04 صناديق الاستثمار المتداولة تنضم إلى السوق (صناديق الاستثمار المتداولة للأموال المؤسسية، البنوك الاستثمارية وغيرها). لذلك يأتي المال الكبير في الوقت الراهن. داكس حجم العقود الآجلة له علاقة مع ذلك ولا علاقة له. يأتي المال لصناديق الاستثمار المتداولة. يتم التثبيت الثاني خلال 13.00-13.02. آخر تثبيت هو في 17.30 وينتهي عند 17.35. يتم تداول ما يقرب من 13 من حجم التداول اليومي في أقل من 10 دقيقة من كل 8،5h أو يوم التداول العادية. تنتهي عقود داكس الآجلة كل ربع سنة، 3 جمعة من شهر في 13.00 (القادم هو 16 ديسمبر 2016). جميع المعلومات الحالية عن داكس العقود الآجلة، ساعات التداول، المثبتات، المشاركين في المؤسسات وما إلى ذلك يمكن العثور عليها في زيترا. يتم احتساب التداول على مدار 24 ساعة (والذي يسمح بتجار عقود الفروقات) بشكل غير طبيعي استنادا إلى تحركات المؤشر التي يتم اقتباسها خلال ساعات الليل بواسطة غلوبيكس. يتم تثبيت جميع الانحرافات من خلال المراجحة، والتي لا تسمح لأسعار الأدوات الأساسية والمشتقة لنشرها. إذا حدث رد فعل السعر الأول على داكس فيوتشر، سيتم تثبيت سعر مؤشر داكس عليه والعكس بالعكس. إذا كنت اتبعت بلدي بلوق لبعض الوقت يجب أن تعرف بالفعل ما حاولت أن تجعل اليوم. آمل أن تكون مشجعة بما فيه الكفاية لاتخاذ موقف وتحقيق بعض الربح معي. إن لم يكن، don8217t تقلق، وهناك دائما فرص لكسب المال. الآن، إذا كنت لا تزال don8217t تعرف لماذا اتخذنا هذا الموقف، كان هناك على الأقل 3 أسباب لذلك (3 الأطر الزمنية 8211 3 أسباب) السبب الأول وفتيل أقل على المدى اليومي مما يدل لنا الضغط الصعودي: It8217s حتى أكثر إثارة للاهتمام إذا كنت تحقق فقط ونقلت النهار مثل لأدميرال الأسواق: السبب الثاني أعطيت تلميحا واضحا أمس ما i8217m تبحث عنه. هل تذكر هذا الاتجاه القوي تم كسرها خلال الليل حتى كل تاجر يرى الاختراق في الصباح. السبب الثالث قنوات الليل كسر عالية: I8217ve مغلقة بطريق الخطأ واحدة من المواقف وإعادة دخلت حتى don8217t الالتفات إليها. هنا هو الرسم البياني الأسهم: كما ترون، وهذا الحساب هو في 300 الربح بالفعل. وسأقوم بمحاولة أخرى لنموها وسحبها. I8217m القتال أيضا مع سوق الفوركس Here8217s موقفي من وركاد: يبدو أفضل حتى الآن لذلك Let8217s نأمل أن تجعل بعض الربح معقول. مشاركات الملاحة المشاركات الأخيرة أحدث التعليقات الفئات فكسيس لتخريب حسابك 1 بواسطة جلترادر ​​سبتمبر 9، 2014 تحديث مايو 2016. وقد أعادت فكسيس إعادة وصف نفسها في لوكشوت. اسم مختلف، نفس غير المرغوب فيه. هذا مثال رائع على سبب وجود موقعي الخاص ليعبر بحرية عن آرائه وأفكاري. كنت على علم من فكسيس، موقع على شبكة الإنترنت يديرها كريس بوتورف مع 23 عاما من الخبرة التجارية من المفترض. إذا حكمنا من خلال المواد 8217 العناوين والتعليقات التي تركها القراء أنها تهدف إلى المبتدئين. حتى الان جيدة جدا. بدأت المشاكل بعد أن قرأت بعض هذه المقالات ووجدت الكثير من المعلومات السيئة والكذب الصريح. حاولت أن أشير إلى ذلك في بضعة تعليقات، ولكن تخمين ما، أنها weren8217t المعتمدة. يمكنك رؤيتها في انتظار الاعتدال في الصورة أدناه: بعد قليل من الوقت اختفت للتو. أحث أي تاجر يحاول تطبيق أي شيء ينظر إليه على هذا الموقع للتفكير مرتين. فقط في مقال واحد هناك العديد من الباطل، كما يتضح ليس فقط من حقيقة أن تعليقاتي أزيلت، ولكن بالمعنى السليم كذلك. أخذ المشورة من شخص ما يكمن بشكل صارخ هو وسيلة مؤكدة لتدمير حسابك. 1. فتحنا حساب 1000 ثم بدأ التداول معها باستخدام الاجهزة التجارية المشتركة. وتحول الحساب إلى 100،000 في 14 شهرا. كان هذا إنجازا عظيما، ليس بسبب تحويل 1000 إلى 100،000، ولكن بسبب الدرس تعلمنا. I8217m لا أقول هذا isn8217t ممكن، نظرا لبيئة تجارية مواتية جدا (أعتقد فقاعة دوت كوم). it8217s فقط من المستبعد للغاية. 2. واحد منا الذي كان يستخدم لحساب مليون دولار التداول، وسحب المال وترك 10،000 فقط في الحساب. بالنسبة له، الذي كان يستخدم لحساب مليون دولار وتحقيق ربح معقول كل شهر لعدة سنوات، 10،000 لا يعني شيئا. التداول مع حساب 10،000 لم يكن هناك خطر بالنسبة له على الإطلاق. وقال انه يتحول حسابه 10،000 إلى مليون كل 2-3 سنوات. 8230. وقد رفع رأس ماله التجاري إلى مليون دولار عدة مرات حتى الآن. هذا هو ما يفعله العديد من أعضاء الفريق الآخرين، ولكن فقط مع كميات مختلفة من المال وأحجام الحسابات. هذا ما كنت أقوم به منذ عدة سنوات أيضا. هذا هو المكان الذي يثخن المؤامرة ويصبح هراء الحقيقي. لا أحد يستطيع أن ينمو حساب 100 مرة مرات كل 2-3 سنوات. ولا حتى شخص واحد، ناهيك عن عدة كما يعني هذا الرجل. أي شخص لديه نصف الدماغ لن يكون لديه صعوبة في رؤية من خلال هذه الأكاذيب. عند هذه النقطة فإنه doesn8217t يبدو أن عملية احتيال كاملة كما يبدو don8217t أن تكون أي خدمات للبيع. ولكن حذار، مع هذا النوع من التصريحات، تخميني هو أن لدينا عملية احتيال في صنع. شارك هذا: 213 الأفكار على لدكو و فكسيس لتخريب حسابك 1 رديقو مرحبا، كريس بوتورف doesn8217t موجودة. كريس بوتورف هو لقب فاهيد تشايشي مؤسس فوركسوما الوساطة ثم احتيال الفوركس. فكسيس ينتمي إلى V. Chaychi. فوركسلاكارميفوريكس-فورومبلاكليستد-فولدر-أونريليسولف-سكام-كيسس-27176-فوريكسوما-com. html مرحبا، قرأت الرابط ولكن أنا don8217t أعرف كيف استنتجت أن فاهيد تشايشي هو في الواقع كريس بوتورف I8217ve تم قراءة المواد فسكيس ولم يتم العثور على أي شيء مريب . ومع ذلك، فإن المواد التي يذكرها جلترادر ​​غريبة جدا وتجعلك تعتقد حقا أن هناك شيئا غير جيد عندما يضلل شخص ما الناس من هذا القبيل. هل هو ما يصل الى شيء من يدري. ويبدو أن المقالات اليومية شرعية وتؤكد في الغالب نهجه التبسيط على التداول، والذي قد يكون صالحا. I8217m ليس مع أو ضد فسكس، أنا فقط وجدت أنه مربكة. على أي حال، كونه عالم الفوركس مليئة حماقة، وأعتقد أن it8217s أفضل للحفاظ على حالة تأهب. فكسيس هي واحدة من عدد قليل من المواقع التي لا تحاول بيع أي شيء، ويستند استراتيجية التداول الرئيسية المعلن عنها على موقف قليل سوينغ التقطت بين تفس طويلة وعلى أساس استراتيجية مم صارمة. وأوافق على مادتين ذكرت هنا هي قليلا 8230 متفائل، ولكن لم أكن حتى الآن لرؤية محاولة حثالة من كريس (من هو). ربما he8217s مجرد محاولة لتحفيز أتباعه في الصبر وليس المبالغة الرعاية أن تزن في مزيد من المعلومات هل تشعر نظامه التجاري معيبة بتو أنا مجرد مبتدئ في الفوركس وليس لدي أي اتصال فكسيس، فقط غريبة هذا النمط لديه وقد لعبت في المنتديات أكثر من مرة: شخص ما يجعل من انه 8217s تاجر غني ناجح (أو جزء من مجموعة)، يحصل على متابعة ثابتة من معظمهم نوبي ثم ثم يمسك لهم السليم 8230 إما عن طريق بيع بعض غير المرغوب فيه أو أسوأ من 8216managing 8217 أموالهم. أنا don8217t تعرف استراتيجيتها وفي ضوء خيانة الأمانة I8217ve لا رغبة في معرفة مرحبا، هل يمكن أن يرجى حصة بعض مواقع فكس الأخرى التي ليست عازمة على بيع أي شيء، كما ذكرت أنا أوافق على أن هذا أحمق كريس بوتورف هو في الواقع فاهيد تشايشي . انه خدع الكثير من الناس الثقة في فوركسوما (أنا didn8217t سقوط له)، وكان كل يتعرض في موقع الجيش السويسري. أسلوبه في الكتابة يشبه إلى حد ما ما أتذكره من فوركسوما (اللغة الإنجليزية ليست لغته الأولى، وأنه يمتص عموما في ذلك)، وأعتقد من قراءة بعض هذه المواد أن بعض يتم نسخ ولصق من الاشياء التي كتبها قبل عقد من الزمان. في البداية في فوركسوما اعتدت على قراءة تلك المقالات مع الكثير من التوقعات منذ، كما يفعل هو 8217 بالفعل هنا، كان هناك الهواء المستمر. 8220trading هو easy8221، 8220don8217t التخلي أو الحصول على تثبيط 82308221 8220Me وأصدقائي من النادي السري لدينا بدأت مثلك ونحن نبذل الملايين 82308221 هذا الاعتقاد يعتقد he8217s ذكية حقا. وقال انه سيقاتل الناس الذين طلبوا منه لإثبات ريلنتيسلي (في حين إهانة لهم لغبائهم) دون 8217t يقول إنني didn8217t تحذيرك. المعظم وراء هذا هو faahid chaychi8230 عاجلا أو آجلا اللعبة سوف تتغير و he8217ll الحصول على أموالك. I8217m سعيد أنا لم تدفع له dime8230 كنت الحزن في الكفر عندما علمت من الأخبار أنه قد كوند جميع أولئك أتباع الثقة لديه. إذا كريس بوتورف هو شخص حقيقي والتاجر الناجح أنه ينبغي أن توفر مع كامل و برهان الشرعية من المطالبات انه MAKES8230.Name، سجلات الحساب، عنوان العملية، وأرقام الهواتف حيث يمكن الوصول إليه، سكايب الوصول إليه شخصيا 8230 الخ، الخ ، الخ 8230 خلاف ذلك 8217s كون لي وينبغي أن تكون هي نفسها لك. نعم فعلا. أعرف هذا مجاني الآن 8230 أنا فقط لا أعتقد أنه سيبقى على هذا النحو لفترة طويلة. شكرا للقراءة، وآمل أن تأخذ هذا التحذير على محمل الجد 8230 وحظا سعيدا مع التداول الخاص بك. وات 8217s أوب الجميع، it8217s قبضتي الذهاب إلى إي ر هذا الموقع، وقطعة من الكتابة ن الدهون مثمرة بالنسبة لي، كيب حتى نشر هذه الأنواع و المقالات س الاستعراضات. مرحبا بعزيز أحب أن أقول أن هذا المنصب هو رائع، مكتوبة كبيرة وتشمل تقريبا جميع المعلومات الهامة. I8217d ترغب في رؤية وظائف اضافية مثل هذا. شعرت أيضا كان هناك شيء مريب حول فكسيس على الرغم من أنني لا أعرف من الناس تشغيله. نظرت إلى محاولة لمعرفة ما هي الزاوية. الشيء الوحيد الذي وجدت أنه يقدم 8216toolbar8217 للتحميل، ويدعوك إلى 8220 تثبيت شريط الأدوات فسكس على متصفح الإنترنت الخاص بك ويكون من بين أول الذي يتلقى إشارات التداول تلقائيا. 8221 أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان الموقع هو مشروع، ولكن أود احذر من أن أشرطة أدوات متصفح الويب غالبا ما تستخدم كوسيلة لتوزيع البرامج الضارة. عند هذه النقطة it8217s من الصعب القول ما إذا كان هذا الرجل كريس لديه أجندة خفية أم لا. على الأرجح انه يفعل. ولكن تم الافراج عن hasn8217t. حتى الآن كل شيء هو حر، والتعليقات اليومية التي هي نوع من مفيدة، وأحيانا بعض التعليقات الأخرى مع غير واقعي مفرط يبدو أن ليس لديها أي غرض آخر من تحفيز نوبي إلى الاعتقاد بأن جعل نفسك مليونير من خلال النقد الأجنبي هو مجرد مسألة التقليب أصابعك (ومتابعة نصيحته، بطبيعة الحال). ما حقا البق لي، أن هناك مجموعة من البلهاء التي يبدو أن نعتقد أن he8217s نوعا من الله، ونعتبره على هذا النحو. وأعتقد أن 8217s خطير على الناس ساذجة وغبية الذين يتبعون أي شخص دون التفكير قليلا. في كل بلد نرى هؤلاء الناس بعد الديانات دون سبب. حسنا، الوقت سوف اقول ما اذا كان الحدس لدينا هو الصحيح أو الخطأ. حسنا، قبل أن تبدأ في اتهام الناس من حسن نية، وربما أفضل طريقة لفتح حساب تجريبي والتجارة باستخدام استراتيجيته. إذا كان يعمل بشكل مستمر على مدى فترة من الزمن، ثم ربما لديه حقا أي نية سيئة. ببساطة لأنه لا يخدم له أي غرض لنقل مهارة فعالة لك إذا كان يعتزم حقا احتيال لك، لأنك يمكن أن قبض بالفعل الأسماك الخاصة بك نفسك. أعتقد أنه بغض النظر عما إذا كان الموقع شرعي أو احتيال، والناس دائما على وشك أن يكتب المشاركات التفاوضية عنهم. أنا نفسي عضو في فكسيس وحتى الآن لم تجد مريب حول هذا الموضوع. كريس doesn8217t يسأل عن أي أموال أو رسوم العضوية، كل ما يفعله مجانا. وتحليله عند قراءة، هو في الواقع جيدة جدا، يمكنك can8217t يجادل مع التحليل عندما يكون من المنطقي. I have also written an article for FxKeys which was published recently and I did this at the request of other members, not Chris. You can have a look at it yourself and tell me if you think it8217s a scam or good info from a real life trader 8211 article is called 8216 how to trade the inside bar false break or the fakey8217 As mentioned in another comment I made, I regularly make over 20 per month or more. One trade which was on FxKeys recently (gbpcad shooting star with confirmation and bollinger band breakout) made over a 1000 profit in a couple of weeks. At 1 risk that is a 10 return just on one trade. Guys that trade for banks and funds with billions etc dont trade with leverage which is why gorge soros only makes 30 a year. It8217s impossibly to trade with leverage when you are taking billions in positions. The fact that you claim you make 20 or more per month regularly clearly shows me that you8217re either: 1. a beginner who risks too much and has had a lucky streak so far 2. a liar Regarding that lame name 8216fakey8217 8211 it8217s copied from Nial Fuller8230don8217t even get me started on that character. I thought you might say that, which is why I added one trade recently taken on gbpcad 9th jan 2015 on the daily. At 1 risk (which is not much) you would be in a big profit right now, end of the day math don8217t lie. And yes nial fuller teaches the fakey, but the article I published, which I8217m guessing you haven8217t read, is nothing like nial fullers stuff, it8217s actually really good. But anyways, I agree that nial isn8217t the best thing since sliced bread. That is why I wrote the article, to teach people how to trade inside bar false breaks properly and for free so they wouldn8217t give nial 300. I8217ve just saved new traders money they might have otherwise forked out for some course so I don8217t think it8217s fair to call me a newbie and give FxKeys a hard time but everyone can have there opinion which is great too. Read my article I posted on FxKeys JLTrader and tell me if this free teaching is not helpful for newbies Looking forward to your response Hey Hey Hey Guys, calm that down, lets be professionals man. We are traders who have experienced string of losses before become successful, I have been trading for 3 years now, and I don8217t pay anything for subscription but just reading FXKEYS articles. No one can say am wrong because I read or FXKEYS is wrong because I don8217t know who the hail Chris is, I don8217t follow him but I just LIKE to read what he writes and this is broadening my FX knowledge. I can read any article for anyone and am even reading this battle for you 2 and you are making me laugh man. Let8217s love one another and help all newbies to know that forex takes time and effort to master. God Bless both of you Guys based on fxkeys trading system I managed to turn a 250 account into 1645 in 12 moths. Chris is legitimate either you like it or not. Great. So why don8217t you work cleaning my house for a full year and I8217ll give you 2000. Better deal that staring at the charts, isn8217t it So you wrote an article about a candlestick setup which is not new on the internet and you used a lame name for it that Fuller popularized. Do you want a medal now. The problem is not that setup per se, which may be profitable as part of a well thought out trading plan, the problem is that you keep repeating that you have those kinds of returns that get newbies to get the totally wrong idea about trading. You know, you8217re actually insulting me with that gbpcad example. One trade has nothing to do with your claim of 20 or more average monthly returns. I8217ll stop responding to you as it doesn8217t get us anywhere. Only went on about those returns because you said it was impossible and implied anyone who claims to get them is a liar etc. Fair enough, ciao it is possible to make 20 per month or even more, stop crying bitchass nigga, if you cant make any money with forex doesnt mean others cant. there are plenty of people who trades forex for living. article on fxkeys realy help you to become profitable trader and with a little patience you can be profitable CONSISTENLY. every month. And i know that this Chris is fake man because i cant find anything about him, and,8230.and fxkeys have something to do with Vahid, BUT I DONT GIVA A FUCK. For now is everything free and article helping me to becoming profitable trader every month, if something change and i there we must pay on fxkeeys i will just leave the site, but the knowledge what i learn you cant take me. Hi, When I saw debate about fxkeys here and interested that topic. Actually I usually visit that website and find good. But it8217s very interesting someone said that there is no someone chris pottorrf. That is no real one. After that I really wonder about that and searc in the net nearly 3 hours and my conclusion is yes it8217s possible that there is no real person chris pottorrf. Site owner seems like vahid chyachie. I have reach enough clue for that 8230. But still site doesn8217t seem dangerous revese seeming useful yet 8230. But if site owner is vahid why he needs to keeps secret his identify. Strange situations 8230.. There is a real contradiction here. Chris certainly puts up a lot of info for free and doesn8217t respond to insulting or derisory language and fair enough. I don8217t know what his angle is or maybe he is just likes being a mentor for the common good who knows Certainly makes him unique. The only thing I questioned was all his u-tube videos use a robot like voice over rather than a real person and I wondered why. However his English may not be so good. It seems to be true that his identity seems to be obscure. I8217d say just prove him or not. If his analysis and signals bear fruit then that8217s the only test you need. I also suspected Chris is somehow connected to the Forexoma group by way of his 1000 forex plan. He offers it also on FXkeys. I was aware of this spreadsheet from Forexoma and recognized it immediately. Hi everyone I must admit I have been reading the daily articles posted on fxkeys after all its free and I thouht tere is no risk to me as I will not pay for anything but in a recent article titled 8220dealing with disapointment in forex tradinge8221 the following got my attention and I wonder how we could warn these people they may be at risk soon please read the article and give us your thoughts this is the part that got my attention. 8220We are working to create some exceptional tools on FxKeys that can help you to become a consistently profitable trader, risk free. I have talked about this in some of my comments and have invited you to guess what those tools are, but none of you have been able to do that so far, and I am sure you will never be able to do it (although I want you to keep on doing it because it has so much fun ), because it has never been done by any other website before. There are so many Forex trading sites over the Internet with services like forums, calender, market analysis, free or paid trading courses, and These are really good, but most Forex traders need something more than this to leave their fear and greed behind, and reach their destination which is becoming a consistently profitable trader as soon as possible. More than 95 of Forex trader lose. We cannot and are not going to change this equation, because not everybody will follow us. But, we can make it much much easier for those who follow us and are serious to become successful. The good news is these tools will be offered for free and we are not going to make a single cent from them. Hope we can launch them as soon as possible. Please stay tuned and follow us on FxKeys closely, because you have to be present when the tools are ready to be offered. They cannot be offered to unlimited number of users because there is a limited capacity. So, please be around and ready to take action when it is the time to. Soon we will invite you to sign up for an account on FxKeys. Also FxKeys forums will be launched too. You will need to login to your account whenever you want to leave a comment or post on the forums. Once again, the tools I talked about are all free and we are not going to charge anything. I have to emphasize on this for some important reasons.8221 I think if you don8217t trust it don8217t use it, once you8217ve made that decision there8217s no need to talk about it further. I have used a lot of the information on FxKeys and its has made me more profitable and a better trader, so I suppose its down to the individual. If you think there is a scam involved, don8217t pay for it or sign up to it. Just use the information and to say you can8217t grow your account is ridiculous. A trader I work with turned a 1000 to 33,000 in a month to prove it can be done, although he did work for JPMorgan for 20 years. Everyone will say it can8217t be done until somebody does it. It8217s absolutely amazing how naive people can be. Maybe the hope of becoming millionaires as their self-proclaimed guru of choice just let them see what they want to see. I guess people have to endure and experience by themselves what is the reality of trading and why Forex is so full of crap. Sorry for their valuable time. Interesting response, not sure i8217m naive. I have studied Forex for a couple of years now and am in profit and am consistant so to say Forex is full of crap is naive. Out of interest have you made money from Forex or had success Also FxKeys is great for the content and learning about consistancy but I would never sign up to something I thought was a scam. I know you can make millions from it but I would never get my information from some one that claims it can be done in a month. Hi, looks like it8217s coming soon.:-)) 8220This program will not only be offered 100 free, but also it will enable you to trade Forex and make real money without risking any money. It is amazing, and is what no other sitecompany has done for Forex traders so far. Just imagine how many will rush to join this program. There is a limited capacity for this program and we are getting closer to this limit. So you have to do your best not to miss the train, and get in before we close the doors8221 This guy is insane.. Jan Schick Prague 8220Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.)8221. It is not difficult to prove that his setups has never made 20 a month. There have been several months when he didn8217t has even one setup. For Chris Pottorff (Vahid Chaychi) 22 is 22. Be careful so that his new 8220free8221program was not the most expensive program in your life. Don8217t think he writes every day for free. He wants to have thousands of traders to 8220earn8221 millions of dollars. Ask 8220Chris8221 why hi didn8217t use his own voice in his webinars. Ask him about Vahid Chaychi, he should know him because articles that are published on FxKeys are witten by Vahid. I8217m a follower of FXKeys and so far so good, I am learning stuff. I guess we will have to see whether all the accusations on this website are valid or not. Actually someone did directly ask him on the site if he was in any way related to Vahid Chaychi and he would get his answer if he posted the question or not. Since I read it he did post it. He did not confirm or deny the question but dismissed it as a distraction not relevant to the tenor of the site. If he had said 8220yes I am he8221 JD would have accused him of scamming and if he denied it JD would have accused him of lying, would you not So he deflected it quite neatly I thought and still allowed the post. Sure he does not seem to have an open identity like JD I presume, or Jarratt Davis who gives open faced videos and addresses etc, but for me the jury is still out. Interestingly I did ask him an unrelated question about a technicality and quoted another website and he apologized in not allowing it but said it was OK to leave a link to the quote which he did. I note on here JD you directly allow quotes of material from his website. Do you think you may be in breach of copyright He was wary of it, maybe you should be too Just a thought, I have nothing against your site. in fact I think the debates are a good thing. Cheers, Linz I8217m not breaching any copyright as long as I mention the source and use the quoted material to comment on it. It8217s called fair use policy, more details here en. wikipedia. orgwikiFairuse Sorry JL Trader I called you JD by mistake A serious warning about this Chris Pottorff, he is not a real person. Behind the screen is Vahid Chaychi This guy runned a Forexoma brokerage service and scammed a thousands of traders money. Before Forexcoma gone under I copied the whole webpage of Forexcoma. The layout of the FXkeys site is exactly the same. This free program he offers is first hook before he requires a payments or offer a brokerage service. Stay alerted I guess we will see what happens then. So far he has said everything is free and also stated he has no plans opening a brokerage. I think JL Trader is right. FXKeys is belong to Vahid Chaychi disguising under name Chris Pottorff. Below link is the image that I managed to capture from the website. Apparently there is some issue on his FXKeys website today and everyone member account is showing as Chris Pottorff and surprisingly name of Vahid Chaychi appears as well. I think JL Trader is right. FXKeys is belong to Vahid Chaychi disguising under name Chris Pottorff. Below link is the image that I managed to capture from the website. Apparently there is some issue on his FXKeys website today and everyone member account is showing as Chris Pottorff and surprisingly name of Vahid Chaychi appears as well. Never noticed my account or anyone else8217s account with FXKeys bearing Chris Portorff8217s name. But there was last week someone posting as Portorff Chris who was pretty quickly challenged and his posts were taken down with advanced warning to him and to all that this was going to happen which I thought was transparent. I think the contributor may have been up to some mischief since the general discussion was about brokers and that is a sensitive area. I could not find your screen capture of Vahid Chaychi on the FXKeys site either John. For all concerned I am skeptical of the motives of anyone on any site because Forex is a shark pool. However until someone comes up with better evidence than has been posted here so far for me the jury is still out and I am learning a lot about Forex on FXKeys site which I have not found elsewhere. I am not looking for a guru but at the same time I know it is difficult to learn forex on your own, so I take it as it is freely given. So be it and time will tell but I thank you for your warnings and everyone else8217s to be alert which is most valid in the world of Forex. You go FXKeys Forum and look at topic: 8220Security Issue I am getting strange access to my profile8221 One of the member there post 3 pictures. Open all of the picture and you see what I mean (especially pic 2.png). Hopefully Vahid hasn8217t removed the pictures yet by the time you go there and check. Thanks John I did see that just now, the screenshots are still there. The mystery deepens but it still doesn8217t prove too much since someone could be making trouble, who knows But again we all have to be careful in this intriguing and dangerous world of Forex and not to be too stupid. Meanwhile I8217m trying to keep an open mind. Cheers for your alert. Linz, Good that you8217ve seen it. Just be careful and don8217t fall into any of his scam if any in the future. You could look at below link: forexpeacearmypublicreviewforexomapage2 Some of the comments are made by his fellow student who admire and trusted him so much. Yes I saw that. You8217re right John, if Chris Pottorff really is Vahid Chaychi then there are serious questions to be asked so I take note of the posts here, and it is strange that name should spring up on his site and get past scrutiny. However it may be malicious sabotage since market maker brokers don8217t like his warnings about them. So meanwhile I withhold judgement for now. Cheers I don8217t think it is a sabotage at all. To be able to sabotage a website you need a hacker to do that and why would a jealous market makers want to hire a hacker to do that Doesn8217t make any sense, does it The way I see it is that website is belong to Vahid which disguise under the name of Chris Pottorff and because that website is still under major development to support it8217s new program, error in coding can happened and it shows up Vahid name unintentionally. As you can see the problem of the website showing Chris Pottorff name is not reported by 1 person only but few of them. Those who reported their name displaying Chris Pottorff instead of themselves are those who register using their email and password only, while those who register using their social media account like facebook will shows Vahid8217s name instead (like the guy who posted the problem). Which mean Vahid and Chris are the same person. This is not the first time issue happened with the website, before there is also some problems with the point systems doesn8217t show correctly. The problem is that most of the people there are newbies in forex and they don8217t know about Vahid. You could see on all the comments there asking who is Vahid. Some of them did google but still believe like you that someone is trying to hijack the website. Thanks for your detailed analysis John and you may well be right, but I never actually said what I believe except that one is innocent until proven guilty. So I simply posted questions and maybes, not beliefs, which is what I should do when I don8217t know the whole story and people have to make up their own minds. I am aware that people often naively follow gurus and I can understand that because he seems to possess a considerable depth of understanding and experience in Forex and continually supplied with no fee with answers for everyone. For that reason I am keeping an open mind because the analysis is useful and so far his character is yet to morph into the scoundrel you believe him to be, but I am happy to listen to you and others and exchange comments on this site as well which is what Forex needs in order to stay healthy. If you really feel so strongly then why don8217t you join the site and make your own forum posts and see how you get on because this whole topic is pretty serious stuff You know how the site work, don8217t you It8217s just like a censorship in China where the government take a full control of what internet content should be displayed to their citizen. Every comments you post on his daily article will get censored first (by awaiting moderator approval), comments that will somehow against his teaching or cause a confusion among the members will get censored (ex: the guy with the name Portoff Chris that made a trouble in the forum. That guy made a trouble because he was upset that his comment on Chris article get censored). If I8217m trying to post on the forum regarding this issue, you could imagine what would happened. I probably would get banned, especially 99.9 of the members naively adore him like Forex GodGuru that is never wrong. Like you, I do find some of his teaching and techniques are useful and I don8217t want to get kicked out because of becoming a whistle blower. I think I would stop commenting from this point onward. Thanks for listening and I do appreciate your position. Hopefully in the future if something bad is really happening you could stand and protect those members from being ripped off. OK John thank you. I think you might find the forums are not moderated. You can post immediately. I was the first to challenge Pottorff Chris not because of his content but because of the use of the name which seemed pretty strange to me, although on the emails he complained of censorship but came on to the forum to ask why Chris Pottorff was a 8220bad man8221. I8217m sure if I called myself traderlj and asked why jltrader was a bad man, I probably would get short shrift too. It was only much later that Chris P entered the forum discussion and then recommended that we alert the team of untoward postings so from that I presumed forums were not moderated. Yes you would get banned eventually but you may have saved a lot of naive newbies. Please don8217t get me wrong I really appreciate your comments but there is a contradiction between your opinion and not wanting to be a whistle-blower I feel. No need to answer but thank you for listening to me also. As what I have expected, the topic. 8220Security Issue I am getting strange access to my profile8221 has been removed from FXKeys website. John and Linz, I am also a member og fxkeys. Indeed there is no Chris that guy is Vahid. We need to warn these people but I suggest we discuss in private as Vahid my be seeing this. We have to find a way to communicate with these people. I am a member on fxkeys too and I have also been following this blog although there has still not been anything offered for a fee on fxkeys as yet I am unsure of the motive of this site I will admit I have learnt alot from the web site It is hard to confirm if it os usefull or not. we will see There is no way you could communicate with other members as Vahid has disabled private messageemail on his forum. The only way you could communicate is through posting in the forum and wait for other team member to reply. But as I said, he will quickly censored the topic and get rid of it just like before. Today Vahid is making a post on the forum with title: 8220Bugs, Errors and Problems8221, go and see for yourself. In his post he mentioned that his website is under hacker attack by some Forex scam who wants to steal his traffic (do you believe that) and set some rules. By reading his rules, I could basically take assumption that he doesn8217t want us to talk about anything against himrelate him to Vahid in the forum. Like the topic few days ago that was pulled out, I don8217t see any security related issue being discussed in the forum. People only reporting that they are getting different profile other than themselves. It8217s just because someone capture image with Vahid name in it. John removal of the post is vindication for you so point taken. So far Chris (or Vahid) has answered all my technical questions politely and he is very informed so I have been willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. However I am not the one to believe just because I want my belief to be true. When people trust it is easy to let your guard down when given hope and the desire to belong to a caring family which is human nature. When it comes to money, that is where corruption can easily take place. So far no money is involved on this site, so no harm done. On that basis nobody can make any demands or say anything about his freedom to make any rules he likes on his own site. Having said that we can say what we like outside of the site. If you John and others are correct then I probably already have a red flag against my name because I have nothing to hide I always use the same name on every site and do not wish to change that. I notice Vahid Chaychi runs other websites. One is called Healthoma which may be a tenuous link but similar in name to Forexoma. If he8217s one and the same then he8217s a busy man. Several years ago Vahid Chaychi run a free website (weboma). He taught forex trading and published free forex signals. Few ears later he started his Forexoma Live Market Analysis and began sending buy sell signals through a new website (forexoma). Believe me or not but 20 a month was a piece of cake for him. If one had followed his signals he could have earned from 15 to 40 every single month (2 risk). A few years later Vahid with his friends (a group of traders) set up Forexoma brokerage (STP broker). The headquarters of Forexoma was in Toronto Vahid lived in Canada. The brokerage was not registered. I remember when a trader who was conscious of risk asked Vahid why his brokerage was not registered. Vahid accused him about spite. Then the headquarters was moved to Hong Kong (if I remember) and Forexoma brokerage began offering money management program (Vahid had dreamed about money management). They offered a few money management programs. They warranted rate of return Few months later the website of Forexoma brokerage disappeared from the Internet. Believe me or not but Vahid Chaychi has been the best forex trader I have ever met. His knowledge, discipline8230 and setups were eminent. He taught and practised not the same system he teaches and practises on FxKeys. I don8217t know if Vahid Chaychi was responsible for stealing money from traders but when Forexoma disappeared from the Internet Vahid dissapeared too. You seem to know a lot about him. Were you also one of his followers when he just started Forexoma Of course it8217s not sure if he was responsible for stealing money from traders or not, but by hiding his true identity, not using his own voice during webinar, censor anything that mention Vahid8217s name, you could have your own judgement. Hi John, My first post here: 8220Chris Pottorf doesnt exist. Chris Pottorf is a nickname of Vahid Chaychi the founder of Forexoma Brokerage then forex scam. Fxkeys belongs to V. Chaychi8221. Yes, I was one of his followers when he started Forexoma. Before Forexoma disappeared Vahid had written a message that he had sold his shares in Forexoma brokerage and worked for Forexoma as a consultant only (I didn8217t see the message). He hid his identity because he had stolen money or because he had been identified with Forexoma and traders accused him of stealing money. So, writing as Vahid Chaychi would not be wise for him. Only Vahid and his 8220group of traders8221 know if he is a criminal and should be imprisoned or if he is a honest man. Presuming he is one and the same man, then it8217s an error to hide his identity if he is innocent or only guilty by association. If later writing under a pseudonym, and an expose8217 happens then it8217s a much more difficult road back to establish innocence. For that reason alone if this guy truly is undercover then innocence is much more unlikely. Mark is straight right about Vahids trading skills and the system he used on Forexoma. System based on charts patterns breakouts with MACD and RSI indicating confirming proper signals to enter. Vahid had also prog - rammed a very accurate EA called FCAR (Forex Charts Analyzer Robot) which plotted the patterns automaticly. Why an earth a such skilled Forex trader made so much efforts only to steal peoples money. If the scam is obvious it is not a scam at all. Everyone has seen those stupid 8220givemeabreak8221 Forex marketing videos where a poor skilled actor telling how you can be a millionaire by no time. Scamming is art and Vahid is a master of it. Yes I was scammed by Vahid Chaychi. Stay alerted Wow someone bravely posted and warned others that Chris is Vahid on his forum. And as predicted, no one believe of what he wrote and accused him of trying to attack Chris with his comment. Someone even linked this website on the post as well. Interesting to see how ChrisVahid is going to respond on that. That person would probably get banned and the topic get removed like before He has replied and his answers are good enough for me. To my knowledge some red faces but no one has been banned because it needed to be cleared not punished. No need to say anything more except this has been a huge distraction from trading. An end to this drama now I say. Good that you have made a decision on where to stand. I would still stand at the edge of the coin. All of his answers always indicating that others (including JLTrader) are jealous of him and try to ruin FXKeys success by either saying his forex strategy is not good or either accusing him as Vahid Chaychi. I don8217t buy that answer. If FXKeys is already that big and success, he won8217t bother to ask all of his members to try to promote his site through social media. Go to Forex Factory and search a user name FXKeys, you could see how he post his daily articles on that forum and most of the people there don8217t even care. If FXKeys is that famous and success, his post will be flooded with many comments and praises. One side of coin 8211 Chris Porttoff does exists 8211 He is a very nice, understanding, forex guru with dedicated team that is trying to help others to become successful forex trader or even millionaire. Almost perfect like God. 8211 Believe people doesn8217t like his success by attacking his article, hacking his website and accusing him as Vahid Chaychi. 8211 In the process of developing forex program that will make its members consistently profitable and risk free Other side of coin 8211 Chris Porttoff is Vahid Chaychi 8211 Used to be forex guru but now run into hiding because of possibility stealing his members money through Forexoma brokerage 8211 In the process of trying to con his members again through different program scheme under FXKeys website Edge of the coin 8211 Don8217t care whether Chris or Vahid are same person or even exists 8211 Only want to learn his skills to improve trading success 8211 Keen to see the program offered but with more caution (if money involved, backed out) Surprisingly 90 of his members do believe that Chris exists even though proofs show otherwise. 1. He removed the pictures proof and post on his website that shows Vahid Chaychi is logging in to FXKeys website. Accusing that his website is under hacker attack by Market Marker that doesn8217t like his success. Why would a Market Maker hire a hacker and at the same time use a name Vahid Chaychi. Isn8217t it too coincidence 2. He is removed all Vahid Chaychi name on his forum, all the links showing the proof that Chris Porttoff articles are written in similar fashion to Vahid Chaychi as well a link to this JLtrader website. A proof that he doesn8217t want people to know. I always believe if I8217m not wrong then I would stand to it and not eliminating evidence. Removing evidences are showing that you are scared to be find out. 3. The layout of FXKeys website is exactly the same as Forexoma website before and he always arguing that people can copy others. 4. Never use real voices, but only robot, scared if people find out Chris and Vahid voices are the same. 5. List can go on if I want to dig it more. Hi, In his latest article Chris (Vahid) wrote (8230)Smart people like John Chow who is a famous blogger, look at haters as opportunities to make more money. () When you click on John Chow you will find this site: johnchowdriving-with-john-chow-how-to-deal-with-haters It8217s nice to see so many opinions here. I was the one who dared to post this website in the FxKeys forum. It was removed quickly and he found an answer to everything. You were right 8211 he is a master of blinding people, 90 of the people believe him. I8217m saying 90 because it has gotten much quieter in the forum since that happened. Some members haven8217t posted anything new, including me, because I felt uncomfortable. First I did regret posting this website in the forum, because I lost my 8220reputation8221 and people there will not take me seriously anymore if I continue posting with that nickname. But on the other hand, it is a very valuable lesson about psychology for me. It shows me again, that the crowd can be completely blinded if the put enough effort into it and everybody who stands up will be fought. I8217m still on the edge of the coin 8211 I hope you like the example from Kiyosaki That means I don8217t know what is true and who this guy really is. It seems more probable to me that Vahid and Chris are the same guy. The main reason for that is his writing style. He claims this site was bought 8211 so by that he tried to explain another experienced trader wrote the old articles, whereas he writes the new ones. But I don8217t think that8217s true, because the writing style, his vocabulary, his English, which is not native, it8217s all very very similar. Too much of a coincidence. So I8217ll stay a member of Fxkeys, I8217ll try to learn as much as possible about trading, because he is obviously a very good trader and the trading system he teaches really works. I8217m thankful for that. On the other hand I8217ll stay alert, esp. when it comes to his risk free trading program which he will launch soon. The fact that Vahid is obviously a programmer and knows a lot about search engine optimizing, writing blogs etc. shows me again, it8217s the same person. I8217ve read the comments you linked as well (John Chow) 8211 similar writing style, though it could be a coincidence, there is not so much to compare. Like I said, at the moment I don8217t care, because I learn a lot from him. But I8217m also shocked and I8217m trying to understand him. This guy is obviously very good at trading, so it can8217t be about money, why he is doing this blog website. Maybe it8217s just his life and he has other goals now, like promoting a website. We don8217t know8230 I feel sorry for the guy who initially created the topic in the forum. I believe his intention is purely only want to let all other members know who Chris Porttoff is and he has no other agenda, but like you said 90 blinded members accusing him for trying to attack Chris and bring down FXKeys. Even yourself who tried to give explanation by looking at different side of coins get abused by them. These are two different things that they (including Chris) blended together, ie Chris (FXKeys) forex strategies and Chris is Vahid. Nothing is wrong with Chris (FXKeys) forex strategies and his website and like you, I appreciate all his time doing this to teach and help others to be successful in forex trading. The thing that is wrong in my opinion is Chris is a fake name used by a guy previously known to have con others. I can8217t stand seeing people adoring him like a guy who hardly have any mistakes in both personality, teaching, mentoring, etc in the forum but in fact he could be a possible con man. If you still have hearts and feeling for others, how could you actually accept that Most people who joined FXKeys are those who are beginners or fail many times in Forex and have lost hoped. They have high faith by joining the website and learning from ChrisVahid so that they could reverse the situation and maybe one day become millionaire. Even ChrisVahid is denying that he is a millionaire in the forum when someone brought that thing up, so that8217s contradict to what ChrisVahid always emphasised. Imagine if at the end it doesn8217t turn out as per what they expected, they could become worse than now. Let8217s see 8211 time will show us. I feel sorry for the guy who started the topic as well, because he is in the same situation like me 8211 we cannot continue posting there 8211 everybody has hard feelings and thinks we don8217t like Chris. But it doesn8217t really matter 8211 the only reason people comment on every topic there is because they have high hopes in terms of the risk-free trading program and they need points for that 8211 it seems to work like some kind of torrent network later. I personally think we have to apply the principles of our trading psychology, risk management and perhaps most importantly our psychology which will lead us to success. So what I8217m saying is we are responsible and people have done it before 8211 some people seem to think the risk-free trading program will do the work for them. So as you said, so far there is nothing wrong with Fxkeys, it8217s one of the best educational sites in terms of forex in my opinion. I8217m thankful for that and I hope some time in the future we will find out what all that is really about. People have always different goals in life 8211 maybe now his goal is to be successful in promoting a website, we don8217t know that. Happy trading Hi John you are wrong: 8220(8230)Even ChrisVahid is denying that he is a millionaire in the forum when someone brought that thing up,(..) 8220Chris Pottorff: September 7, 2014 at 9:37 am You are a millionaire when you have a million dollars at least. So yes, we are millionaires.8221 Yes he is saying sentences that on his reply to this topic fxkeyswhy-do-i-love-the-daily-chart But see his answer below when replying to Roaelctriuos question (the very bottom). He is denying that he is a millionaire. That8217s why I said it is a contradiction. roaelctriuos wrote: you didnt give us one good reason why you doing all this We want to create a community of millionaires. We want to make this site, and the incoming sites, as the biggest reference of business, investment and wealth. We want to Do these suffice as the reasons you want to know, or still want more reasons Are these reasons enough for you to trust us, or you can still think that we are scam Lets say you are right and I havent give you any reasons so far. You can keep on using the site as long as you think it is still useful for you. Once you see that you dont like it anymore, you can leave and never come back. It is free, both to visit and to leave the site, isnt it Is giving no reasons for having this site, a good reason to sabotage it, which is what Singh has been trying to do Please think before you talk. roaelctriuos wrote: you are keep telling us that you are a Millionaire Where did I say that. Can you show me that page, article, or. It seems you are also interested in creating rumors against the others. Am I right I8217ve been following this Chris entity ever since the site was launched some years ago. It had a large break with no posts and then bam a new post each day. First of all, I learned a lot from the site for free although the information can be found for free elsewhere. Second, the misinformation is really dangerous. He stresses about 8220money management8221 and 8220100100 setups8221(how does he score them is a mystery) and how one could add 20 to his equity monthly following this strategy. Which is a complete bs. While I have myself added up to 30 SOME months, I also have months where I don8217t trade at all because I see no good signals at all. His setups are not good for MY strategy. He analyses a lot of exotic pairs, suggests often going against the dominant trend just because there is some of his 8220dark cloud8221 crap after yet another high and the double bolinger band strategy seems valid but no way one could constantly make 3:1 RewardRisk with these ones. Tbh the way he presents the forex market reality is as if it is a computer game where the gamertrader gets points and percentages from so called token setups. Third 8211 his agenda is about to be revealed soon with this 8220risk free8221 juju he is about to launch. Since I am registered, I hope to be able to see what the fuss was all about, but I am almost certain it will do more harm than good. HOPE the many users on the forum and site don8217t get hurt too much for believing. ملاحظة I8217m certain Vahid is behind the site. He also fabricated another contributor Kamel who claims to have turned a small account in some thousands of cash in 6 weeks iirc. major lolzers. Exactly I totally agree with your comments and is what one sensible and smart person would think. However, it seems like the world is still full of naive people. If you read the comments on Fxkeys, most come from very naive newbies that are still not aware of the dirty jungle Forex actually is. I think Vashid is reading every single one of the comment made here, and he8217s now thinking of delayingchanging his strategy to deceive people and get their money. Well, I hope people open their eyes before it8217s too late. Hi, When I was a member of Vahid8217s Forexoma Live Market Analysis Program he told us that he was a Persian. Look at this website: FxKeys May performance: -4, no 100 setups EURAUD short (stop loss triggered) -2 95 setup CADCHF long (stop loss triggered) -2 Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Yes Mark. I agree with you. I followed his analysis and do it 8220monkey see, monkey do8221 way on Demo account. The result of following 95-100 setup is not that good. Vahid Chris. I have absolutely no doubt. Why Here is why: I had subscribed to Forexoma and had created a email specifically for that. I didn8217t open live account because they never really answered regulationtax questions clearly. I lost interest and stopped paying attention. I recently checked that email box and lo and behold 8211 i see Fxkey emails. I never ever subscribed to it. I looked at some articles and they looked similar to forexoma. I searched for Forexoma and they are gone Then i started feeling fishy and searched for Fxkey and vahid and here i am. Stay away unless you want to be a sucker. You have been warned. Hi, I totally agree that this Chris might be Vahid. I remember back in days when Forexoma started, it was being operated the same way this FxKeys is being operated. At first for a long time(until he gets a strong fan base to rob them) Vahid also offered advise and help for free and then He started his own broker company Forexoma. I have his Forexoma completely download in zip format back in July, 2011. JLTrader, John and others if you want I can provide you with the file to compare his Forexoma site with this FxKeys to see if he is really Vahid and is copying from his old Forexoma site. Cheers Humoom, please share the zip file so everybody can have a look and compared the websites. The risk free trading software is being released soon. I8217ll test it, but I8217ll install it on a separate computer which has no personal data, so whatever the software could be doing sending elsewhere, I8217ll not be affected. Please do share your thoughts and research. Thanks and Cheers Thank you. I looked at the website. The articles look similar, the style of the comments is similar and the psychological principal of the website looks the same like FxKeys. Since I don8217t know what is true and who is behind FxKeys, so I try to stay objective as much as I can. So on the one hand it is possible, that Vahid created a new website, put a lot of effort into changing articles and is about to do something strange again. On the other hand, Chris claims that he bought the website. I like to think in probabilities. Let8217s assume Chris was right and he bought the website. I think it8217s unlikely that a person like Vahid who does not care about money sells his website and articles. People usually have a face, Chris doesn8217t, so it8217s unlikely that he is a real person. So again, I don8217t know it, I don8217t judge anything, but I think it8217s more likely that it is the same person. I8217ll be careful, so thank you guys. But I think nobody should try to warn the FxKeys members again, those who did just got smashed and Chris go even stronger after that 8211 his fanbase grew stronger etc. So there is nothing you can do, if you fight against it, it8217ll only make the community stronger, because all members have deep beliefs and trust him. So I won8217t do anything, but continue to learn from him, because he is a good trader and so far has offered everything for free. His risk free trading program, let8217s see what it is, it won8217t be a broker again, because he declined it in the last article. Because he wants people to trust him and he wants to be in integrity for now, I don8217t think he8217ll offer a brokerage service for now, but he might do it later on. This is obviously not about money. It might be an experiment (psychological) for him about influencing people, something like that. I posted here before (December 22, 2014) in regards to Fxkeys. There8217s no doubt in my mind that the unverifiable name and identity of this so called 8220Chris Portoff8221 is indeed Vahid Chaychi. If they are not the same person doing the writingblogging, etc, a partnership andor association has been created in the form of FxKeys. More appropriately I would call it: A front. This front (FxKeys) will operate as a FREE (not for long), educational, very open and accessible and harmless website dedicated to Forex trading. But they have already started to hint about 8220programs8221 to be unveiled in the near future. Whoever 8220Chris Portoff8221 is has exactly the same style and writing personality Vahid Chaychi had8230 very accessible, friendly, charming, yet never unprofessional. The style of writing and what the lessons are about and how it is expressed is 100 Forexoma (Chaychi8217s previous Forex Trading website that ended up exposed as a scam here. There are about a 20 plus red flags I8217ve detected that lead me to believe I8217m right8230 and I8217ll repeat: FxKeys is fronted by an unverifiable personidentity by the name of Chris Portoff who I believe is actually Vahid Chaychi himself. Is either that or the website itself has been fully developed and managed under the supervision, design, philosophy of Vahid Chaychi. This is my second post in this regard. Although luckily, I was not affected but Chaychi8217s previous scam, I was floored literally when I found out about it. I was very familiar with Forexoma since I hate to admit, someof the materials were very helpful and eye opening. However, that8217s exactly the catch and how the scam was designed to work. They will encourage you to no end with promises of possibilities and the way to riches only matchin g a romance novel. I8217m warning you, the moment the programs and the asking for money begins8230. you are on your own. Don8217t say I didn8217t warn you. Let me put it this very simple way. As long as any of these self-proclaimed gurus don8217t show you their trading results (Forex Factory would be a great place to do so) you are very likely a candidate to be scammed. If you are great at what you do, why can8217t you publish it What better way to create a verifiable, trustworthy business and following You could make billions indeed if you could make money for everybody on the planet. Show your existing and official record And btw8230 I know of people who are succeeding in Forex, it8217s not impossible. You can learn it all by yourself with dedication and great deal of perseverance. You don8217t need to pay anybody. Best of Luck to You and hope your trading takes of to infinity. Very interesting to read all the pro and con comments here and thank you for those who have put an effort to warn us regarding Chris (aka Vahid) with his FXKeys website. I am a member too and to be honest, I personally also still puzzle with his current intention as it contradicted with his past action (if Chris is indeed Vahid) If you read about FXKeys goal (fxkeyswhat-is-our-goal ), it is clearly mentioned that their intention is not about making money but for creating a community of traders, investors, entrepreneurs, millionaires and wealthy people. A community of those who already are, and also those who want to become financially free (I quote that from one paragraph in the link above). So if money is out from equation, I am assuming by creating this kind of community the creator will get a satisfaction or a pride of doing so (able to help other people) and this is where it becomes confusing to me. If something from small becoming big and popular, people will want to know who startedcreated it, they want to adore the creator for all the good things done, they want to meet him in person and if the creator is indeed Vahid using a fake name Chris how will he face those people and how will he get satisfaction of doing so by living in a lie. How can you have intention to help so many people after you have scam so many as well previously Hope you see the logic and my point here. Therefore I believe most people who have written here are sceptical and lean towards the negative side for Chris (aka Vahid) running FXKeys which is to scam another people in another way. Is it possible that Vahid is trying to atone all of his sins for taking millions from his Forexoma followers before and doing good deeds by living as Chris Porttoff now If you make a crime in the past (murder, rape, scam, etc) that make other people in disadvantage and able to avoid justice, will you be able to live peacefully by doing good deeds now Ladies and gentlemen, I8217m amazed this post has gathered so many comments. Makes me think of starting a forum on my site, absent of the negative aspects the existing trading forums have. I8217ll think this idea over during the weekend. Hey JLTrader, people will start accusing you stealing the traffic from FXKeys then if you starting your own forum. LOL Hi Rajj 8220If something from small becoming big and popular, people will want to know who startedcreated it, they want to adore the creator for all the good things done, they want to meet him in person and if the creator is indeed Vahid using a fake name Chris how will he face those people and how will he get satisfaction of doing so by living in a lie. How can you have intention to help so many people after you have scam so many as well previously Hope you see the logic and my point here8221. Do you remember The Stig (Top Gear) Stig Ben Collins Chris Pottorff Vahid Chaychi OK. I got what you mean. I was assuming differently before. Jeremy Clarkson is the brainidea of the character Vahid Chaychi The Stig is the character that become famous Chris Porttoff Using your assumption, people will go back to my initial confusion. Stig Ben Collins intention is to make money through the show. He probably doesn8217t like being the Stig but just for the sake of getting paid as a job, but how about Chris Pottorff Vahid Chaychi since money is not his intention Well, everything is possible. Time will show On the one hand Chris has gotten more and more fans. You can see it in the General section of his forum 8211 I don8217t even bother to read that shit anymore when I see a topic called 8220thank you8221 or 8220we miss you8221. What I want to say is, although he has gotten more fans, the number of quality topics decreases. One month ago there were a lot of useful topics, now it seems members get less active and new people adore him. It8217s of course possible that he tries to make up for his actions in the past and just wants to help. We will see it soon. After all his broker articles and ECN broker articles last month, I was almost certain, he would present 8220the solution8221 with his own brokerage service, 8220the solution8221 because all brokers are so 8220evil8221. But he has clearly stated now, it is not about that, so let8217s see what happens. I agree with you tokra. I see that FxKeys8217 members are getting frustrated because they want to make money through forex trading but the system ChrisVahid teaches them doesn8217t work properly, it doesn8217t give signals. ChrisVahid told them that making 20 per month with this system is a piece of cake and they trusted him even though he had never made such rate of return with this system. They begun to understand that trading is not waiting only, but making money first. Members are getting less active Probably you are right Tokra. I could see his desperation asking people with trading system different from him to keep posting so that people will continue to follow Mark, how do you want us to rate FxKeys on forexpeacearmy FxKeys is not doing anything wrong at the moment. Just relax and wait to see what happens. Raj, if you8217re the same person on FxKeys with the fib thread in the forum, keep up the good work. It8217s the most educational thread in the forum Hi tokra, If FxKeys is not doing anything wrong rate it. I think that it is not too difficult to understand. May 0 or (-4), June 0 FxKeys June performance: 0, EURCAD long 8211 still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi He also got another website Vahid has launched his risk free trading program (phase 1) below: fxkeysrisk-free-trading-program-phase-1 Basically the program will reward members with money that the website generated through google AdSense. The amount of money that member get is based on the point system he created (more points mean more money) and those money will be used to fund their Forex trading account, hence risk free. Each member need to apply and submit their own Google AdSense publisher ID and linked it to the website. Although he claimed that the money will be distributed to all his members and he won8217t get any but I still has doubt about it. This Google AdSense thing is totally new to me but compared to one person who has a website and want to generate traffic to Vahid8217s website utilizing all his members to generate traffic the difference could be massive if I imagined. Is there any limit that Google imposed on the website on how many AdSense id one can use on their website Someone who is expert on this could you please help to enlighten Also if you scroll down to the members comments on the linked I posted above, he deleted most of Ahamed Sha comment which make me suspicious that there are things that he doesn8217t want his members to know about it. I just cut and paste below: 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 Ahamed Sha July 10, 2015 at 12:58 pm Your idea is noble Chris Pottorff July 10, 2015 at 5:10 pm Thank you for your comment and sorry that I had to remove its main part because I didnt want it to poison the members minds. I talked about the points you had in your comment with my programmer, SEO and marketer friends and they did not admit it. There are some people around me who have several years of internet programming and marketing experience. This program is developed by them. By the way, thank you for your concern. Ahamed Sha July 10, 2015 at 6:16 pm Chris Pottorff July 10, 2015 at 6:31 pm Thank you again. We will think about it seriously. Any comment please Vahid is finally showing his real intention. Looking at how many websitesblogs that he runs, he is probably aiming to make passive income from online marketingads revenue, something that he is probably good at. Similarly to FXKeys website. The hardest thing to make a revenue is to driving traffic to it. Traffic is the lifeblood of your business because it generates income. That8217s why he is doing all he can to attract people coming to FXKeys, things like posting trading article, mentoring, risk free program (by sharing some of his revenue to members so that members would recruit another members, etc). Someone found another 2 interesting websites and it is possible linked to Chris aka vahid chaychi. I wanna highlight that fxkeys, chris had just removed me as a fxkeys member. I guess the reason was because recently i posted the other websites he runs which is as shown in below: Now it is very obvious that Chris is Vahid Chaychi. Beware guys, don8217t fall in his trap. I saw that when you posted all other websites of him And I decided not to answer because I did not want to be removed for now. I am just wanna share the true. Whether member or not, it is not that important for now. Forex needs practice. After hundreds members of FxKeys crowd had signed up for Google Adsense and had given to Chris all necessary data Chris wrote: 8220We changed our mind about working with adsense because many of our members couldnt get their accounts approved by adsense. We will work with some other alternatives. We will let you know. Nothing has to be done by you for now.8221 Do you know what he is up to his risk free program We will know soon8230 Google AdSense program was abandoned since Google doesn8217t allow people to link too many accounts to one website. Since the beginning when he asked his members to create individual account I have already sense something is not right. Google AdSense only allows 6 ads maximum (3 banners and 3 links) for one page and say he had 100 members successfully creating the account, how would he display their ads on the page based on his points system Due to allowable limit ads by Google, he needs to rotate all of his 100 members account so that everyone will get a fair chance for their ads to get displayed and clicked and earn money but this way won8217t be utilizing his point system much. Say he is utilizing his point system by displaying ads for his members with highest points longer than people with less points, still it doesn8217t guarantee members with their ads displayed longer to earn more money. It is still hit and miss, depending on their luck. I don8217t understand why he didn8217t just create AdSense with his account (1 account) and distribute the money through his point systems to his members. It is easier and fairer. I was amazed how most of his members just open the account straight away and give all the details to him without further thought. Chris was also lying when he told his member that he never opened AdSense account. If you look at those Vahid8217s websites posted here, you could see Google Ads were there :). Just be careful people and think smart. نعم فعلا. You are correct. I am a beginner in trading. I went through the site fxkeys and I like the articles but after reading this I can8217t decide what to do. please suggest me what should I do. Please suggest me some site where I can learn trading thoroughly You can continue reading his posts but beware of his scam to request money from your pocket. I think he fails the fxkeys. It takes too long for progress. And also, his true face was exposed and easily google. Actually i did not mentioned he is the one who created those website i mentioned above. I was just saying i found interesting websites. Who knows, he removed me. So the intention behind of his action is clear enough to prove that he is vahid chaychi who was a scam in past of forexoma. VahidChris must have read this website regularly reading by his latest article. Yes I guess we are all 8220vampier suckers8221 but only because we follow these two blogs we become caught between them but I ask how different are they82308230follow your own path, dont trust anyone, learn as much as you can, dont make opinions, be true to your self the rest will come. most important be free do not let others control or influence your decisions and emotions when we can do this we can be consistantly profitable traders Fxkeys is a scam It seems like Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi is a vampire sucker of himself too. Chris Pottorff is Vahid Chaychi. Vahid Chaychi is a scam for forexoma in past. How come he didn8217t get caught by Authorities for scamming people in the past He still have lots of websites running under his name so to trace him down shouldn8217t be that difficult. May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0 FxKeys July performance: 0, EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi Thumbs up for the effort. Mark, for your poor results in trading you showed you should only blame yourself. My results are consistently in profit, usually over 10 up to 25 and it is based on fxkeys teaching because my strategy i use and learnt comes only from fxkeys. Its a lot of talking and speculation here and you should rather focus on devoloping your skills in trading than too much talk unless you enjoy it then good luck People who are taking part in fxkeys forum, learn new things, then accusing Chris and call him a scammer should really consider leaving the Site. To me its hypocrisy I have never been lured into anything, never lied to, always found it genuine and positive. I learnt more than anyone can offer and that is the only prove its real and worth it. شكر. For getting caught logging into FXKeys as Vahid by some of his members (see this link: i57.tinypic14vqtyc. jpg ) and for hidingcensoringremoving anything from FXKeys website that mention Vahid8217s name or website related to him has already make anyone suspicious enough that Chris is in fact Vahid the founder of Forexoma Brokerage scam. You are indeed very nave Marek and those people that Vahid is trying to recruit now. Good luck with your trading, hopefully you could become a millionaire one day I have never written that you Marek 8211 can8217t make 20 a month. How much money you make is not my business unless you public your setups. ChrisVahid launches his setups pubicly so this is my business too. His setups don8217t make 20 a month that8217s a fact. I knew Vahid Chaychi, he was the founder of Forexoma Brokerage-forex scam. He has never denied that he didn8217t scammed traders. My obligation is to warn traders that Chris is Vahid and that they may be scammed by him again. May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0, August 0 EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi hehehehe. 822020 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake8221 what a piece of lethal bullshit. anyone in their right mind cant make such ridiculuous claims. shame on him for misleading ppl Kudos Mark for keeping score on FxKeys performance. Hopefully, some of the more delusional people who fell for this Vahid guy hook, line and sinker are now finally waking up to reality. halpin I like that 8216lethal bullshit8217 expression LOL I believe they have JLTrader I have been subscribed to the site for a while seems after the adsense BS now Vahid has lost some interest in persuing the sitenow he dosent post as many articles as before seems the site may have geen created for the sole pourpose of generating traffic for his profit some how I am no internet guru just a suggestion thanks for your blog by the way I hope Vahid does not give false hope to too many more new traders hey, i really dont know why people are treating him like god i can bet my life on the fact that people8217s hope of becoming a milionaire by making 8220only8221 20 a month by following his trading plan is merely naive8230 as a money manager myself ( on a small level though ). we all know how great a performance its considered if ur making low risk 40-50 a year. and how much effort its required. not that making calculation on a paper on how much weeks you are away from raking in millions by making 8220only 20 a month VahidChris wanna wait for everything to calm down. Like his education, patience is the key. So, this blog has to be keep going to remind everyone including newbies. His plan has failed8230. In grave now. Well ladies and gentlemen, All your suspicions about him trying to sell something has come true. I was on his site and stumbled across a page that is not yet public, here is the link, go and have a look before Vahid takes it down: (changed name so I won8217t be banned from Fxkeys) 8220There is a 99 monthly fee to join the FxKeys Millionaires Club8221. There you go This guy is so desperate to take advantage of newbies. But, hey, if newbies still fall for that, they are not only naive, but downright stupid. If they don8217t have common sense they will never make it on this business. Finally finally8230 Well done guys. Great Job As i said, he fell in grave now. He won8217t success. I changed my name so I won8217t get banned on FxKeys. Please Marek and other member if you read that, don8217t be gullible and do some research first. This is a typical pyramid this guy is setting up. There is no value at the moment, nothing to sell, just future promises. The people on top of the pyramid earn the most 8211 I8217m confused because I thought this pyramid scheme would be illegal in many countries. I remember seeing a guy on LinkedIn years ago who promised similar things about his 8220travelling members8221. So let8217s face it. FxKeys has a lot of valueable information but this pyramid really stinks and makes me highly suspicious. My first thought was a pyramid scheme too. Jury8217s still out for me though so I must be a hedge trader Chris did say it was risk free and it8217s not if there is a joining fee. However having said that, I8217ve lost much more than that just trading. No drama. But I do not wish to be part of a pyramid scheme if that is true. By the way I8217m not going to hide behind a pseudonym. If you feel you have to because you don8217t want to be banned from the site then are you not the same as what you criticize You must feel there is some value there or you are undecided but still snipe from the sidelines. Marek is identifiable and so am I. If I get banned for appearing on here then too bad. If you worry about the site being a scam, then leave. Linz, you8217re shooting the messenger here. Whether you choose to hide behind another name or use your real name, isn8217t the issue here as long as you report facts and not fiction, would you agree I chose not to use my name because I use the Fxkeys for other purposes, I learnt valuable lessons from the site, and I intend to keep it that way. I merely reported what8217s published on Fxkeys site to confirm what people in here (JLTrader) have been saying for months, that8217s all. Had I known that ChrisVahid won8217t punish me (ban me) for merely reporting his sales pitch, I would gladly publish my name, but as we all know, no one really knows how he would reactbehave, so the safest choice is to use different name. I won8217t be joining his club as I8217m against pyramid schemes, period. On top of that It will be anything but risk free (99 monthly fee). Remember, focus on the message not the messenger. Sorry but I disagree. You8217re not reporting fact but speculation and opinion. You may well be right but until he8217s had a chance to explain to quell member8217s fears you are jumping the gun. But at the same time, you want to benefit from what he offers for free so you remain anonymous. Quote: 8220I chose not to use my name because I use the Fxkeys for other purposes, I learnt valuable lessons from the site, and I intend to keep it that way.8221 8220Use8221 being the operative word. I don8217t like that. I would feel uncomfortable with that. You should front up. That8217s ok Linz, I8217m not here to convince you or defend my decisions. You draw your own conclusions, I8217ll draw mine. I8217m totally ok with staying anonymous, while you8217re not, that8217s why I love life, each person is unique and that makes living interesting In the meantime, happy trading ChrisVahid is a generous guy when it come to educating people to be winners in the forex business, so I have absolutely nothing against him in that regard. What I find hard to believe is that he8217s charging 99month to be part of his club (yes, I know he said you8217ll get most of it back IF you8217re an active member) to generate money so we can use that to trade with, and at the same time he8217s saying his main aim with Fxkeys is to help the guys who don8217t have money to open a live account (hence risk 8216free8217 program). I remember in his comments saying he wants to help traders who are good traders (demonstrated solid positive trading results in demo account over an extended period of time) but have no money to start trading live, because they8217re so poor or for other reasons. And yet he wants them to pay him 99month. That8217s a fortune in many places in the world. If those guys have a spare 100month, guess what In a year they can open a live account with 1200 in it. I see a big flaw in his claimed 8216noble8217 objective compared to his actions. Hey guys Just noticed some incoming traffic from this link fxkeysforumstopicmillionaire-clubpage2 and went there to see what8217s going on. I found this post, by Andrew M: I may get banned for posting this but here we go there is a forum following Fxkeys I dont know who this guy called JLtrader is but he has a blog here although he has many claims against Chris and Fxkeys he does not like to share his real name or identity but claims to deface fraudulent forex web sites so new traders dont get caught by surprise, it seems strange to me that he claims to be a successful trader and offers a mentoring service for a fee but criticizes fxkeys for not showing proof of their success eg myfxbook account but he too will not show proof of his trading success I think I will give up on forex for now even though I have great passion for the currency market it is almost impossible to find good real advice and mentoring maybe this is not a market for retail traders good luck my friends I wish you all success and happiness Dear Andrew M: Let me congratulate you on your decision to give up forex. You are TOO THICK for trading, and I8217m not saying this as an insult, but as a statement of fact. I have an About page ever since I started this site, yet it seems you haven8217t noticed it, otherwise you wouldn8217t say I don8217t give my real name or hide my identity. Did you ask to skype with me to convince yourself that8217s really who I am in that picture and I refused. No. As for proof of trading success, I think I8217ve explained the situation clearly enough in the Mentoring page, but I8217m not expecting someone like you to understand it. Thank you Jltrader for your insults you can go ahead and delete this post before too many people see it just like Chris did but I believe you are not a trader at all you are a blogger or marketer trying to make money off the internet if you were a real trader who makes a living trading why would you want to teach anyone or is it just because you a such a great person and want to help no wants to buy your mentoring no need to reply i wont read it I dont have time to waist on these bs forex forums anymore Chris has just confirmed (by not denying the content) that the 8220Millionaires8221 club article is intended to be published to the public in the future, but it wasn8217t meant to be public for now. So in essence, everything in the article is true, and there is no jumping the guns here as some die hard fans would like us to believe. That8217s how Chris sees the risk 8220free8221 program (once the article is made public). As I stated before, I like to bring facts, not fiction, so here is the link to Chris8217 reply, which if you read it objectively, it was only a matter of time before releasing the article: fxkeysforumstopicmillionaire-clubpage3post-54227 I don8217t visit FXKeys much because I have a busy life, so I read articles from time to time and comment very rarely compared to some. I came across JLTrader8217s site and this thread before I joined FXKeys because I googled Chris Portoff8217s name as a precaution like I usually do. That was a little after this thread had got underway so my eyes were already open, as many on FXKeys are but say nothing. Your obvious reference to me as a die hard fan of FXKeys is inaccurate. That is a backhander from you because I pulled you up on your hypocrisy. If you read my previous post properly I said indeed you may well be right. I simply prefer some objectivity before you rush to judgement in your determination to be right. I also prefer all the evidence to be in before a verdict is reached and a right of reply is given. He is aware that some are saying MLM scheme and he has answered it is not because MLM is illegal. Unlike you I have no idea yet. Essentially I have no problem with you expressing your democratic opinion at all and like I said you and others on here may well be right. My objection was around your obvious joy that you had finally uncovered a crook while at the same time remaining undercover so you can say whatever you like without penalty to your chances of obtaining benefit from the very man you campaign against. Thank you for your reply. I learnt long time ago to not get into time wasting arguments. For this very reason, I only will say I presented you with what I believed are facts. It8217s up to you what you8217ll do with it. May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0, August 0, September 0 EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi Marek8217s earlier reply of 10-25 in defense of FXKeys may provide some proof that the teachings there do work. On the site Marek8217s comments lead me to believe he is an honest guy so I believe him. He is quite a knowledge himself. Not my own personal trading experience but that is because I don8217t have enough time to seriously trade much and I think you have to be pretty time dedicated especially in the learning stages. I8217m not aware of FXKeys ever recommending trades but rather analysis which is a guide only, so your percentage points don8217t mean much unless this is your own trading based on your own interpretations. EURCAD long still open would have given by now a really solid return if you had a reasonable accountlot size to handle the retracements. It has been on the upside for 5 months now. Maybe that8217s how you achieve 20. Wowzer, so much thing has had happened while I was away. To be honest if you want to spend money for membership, it is better to spend yours on known people like Jarrat Davies or Kathy Lien. Well known people in Forex with real track records, identities, offices etc rather than fake Mr Pottorff. His initial plan would probably launched faster if this website doesn8217t exists. Less and less analysis on his website as he is now concentrating on how to make money only. Thanks JLTrader for keeping this website alive and warning us. Although what you had warned us has more to do with unrealistic FXKeys trading plan but by coming to this website I did find out from other posters here that Chris is actually Vahid who has previously conned people. Hope all of his members will realize soon that when everything is too good to be true, then they should handle it with great care. FxKeys trade setup: Yes FXKeys confirms a long CHFJPY setup by analysis, but I quote: 8220Do I take this long trade setup I trade supportresistance breakouts also, but I am used to take much stronger setups usually on weekly and monthly time frames. So the answer is no :)8221 Not sure what your last reference means in this case, please explain. I don8217t read Vahid8217s-Chris8217 analysis. When he marks stop los levels on a chart I recognize it as a trade setup. Then if you don8217t read the analysis before you attempt to establish credible argument by posting set ups as recommendations, it is spurious and misleading. But don8217t let facts get in the way of your own agenda C8217mon, some due diligence is in order here if you have a point to prove. If your English was not native I would think that you are Vahid Chaychi. so you must be his advocate, or rather devil8217s advocate. What Linz mentioned is fair and to the point. Attacking other people instead of focusing on the issue at hand is just childish to say the least. Linz has put forward a very strong and valid argument in my opinion, and instead of giving a convincing counter-argument, you resorted to personal attack Tell us why you would track trade set up when clearly ChrisVahid said he won8217t trade it (Just because he puts stop loss is a lame argument) Another point, ChrisVahid doesn8217t tell us when he is out of a trade, so maybe he had closed his EURCAD trade a while ago and you8217re still track it (maybe hoping it comes around to hit SL to 8216prove8217 your point). I hope you don8217t label me as devil8217s advocate To your first question I had answered before you put it: I dont read Vahids-Chris analysis. When he marks stop los levels on a chart I recognize it as a trade setup. If you had looked at the chart you would have seen that this position8230 Look at the chart8230 You are right this was not a trade setup. To your next question VahidChris answered seweral times: He opens two positions. One with RR 15 and second without TP. When his first position reaches TP he moves SL of his second position to break even. He wrote about his money management strategy several times, but I see that you don8217t like taking the facts into account. It is not my problem. We discuss here about reality not about someone8217s fancy. The issue is this sentence: Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). and this: Chris Pottorf doesnt exist. Chris Pottorf is a nickname of Vahid Chaychi the founder of Forexoma Brokerage then forex scam. Fxkeys belongs to V. Chaychi. Try deny the facts. I don8217t label you as devil8217s advocate, I think your IQ is below medium. If you have questions use your brain and try to be objective. Mark, I knew you would be creative in labelling me with something to shift the discussion to trivial matters, you certainly didn8217t disappoint me Let8217s just go back to the EURCAD, don8217t you think ChrisVahid or anyone else who took that trade with riskier stop loss would have had 5xSL profit target hit in the 1st position and moved the SL to BE in 2nd positioin Isn8217t that a fact you8217re trying to convince us that you only talk facts. Shouldn8217t you change the EURCAD from 8216Open8217 to 82168217 (besides that doesn8217t means anything, as each trader risk is different from each other). This is what I observed from your previous posts, it8217s clear to me that you have an end goal already set (ChrisVahid the scammer), now it8217s about bending facts and omitting the obvious to reach that goal. Linz has nailed it when he said you already have an agenda and you8217ll pursue it till the end, and if anything comes up that doesn8217t support it, you8217ll turn a blind eye or minimize its impact. Not everyone here is an amateur traders or illogic person, some here have been around the block several times, so try to be fair if you really only care about facts. As for describing me that I have a lower than average IQ, I respect your judgement about me even though you don8217t know me and never met me. and that says a lot about you. Mark, I don8217t follow your logic at all. You first posted: 8220FXKeys trade set-up: CHFJPY long.8221 Then you recognize FXKeys Stop loss level on a chart as a set up. But now you say, if you look at the chart it is not a set up although it has 3 Stop Loss levels. To me a mass of contradictions. So why did you post it originally as was Adam8217s question and my own You speak of facts. Because you post someone8217s opinion that Chaychi is Pottorff does not make it a fact. That is not proven despite a fair amount of coincidence. You ask Adam to be objective but I don8217t see much objectivity or clarity from you at all. You then call into question Adam8217s intelligence which is more abuse because clearly his is well above medium. You lash out when you are found wanting. BTW I am not Chaychi, Pottorff or even his or the devil8217s advocate. I am an advocate of a fair hearing and of valid arguments that hold some integrity. Attacking members personally on here does not do your cause much good at all. Linz, there is no need to defend yourself when others accuse you when you speak facts, there will always be people accusing you of laughable stuff. Just smile and say 8216ahmm8230intersting8217 and leave it at that. People who attack others love to see a reaction of the same magnitude or bigger for them to feel satisfied and happy. But when you absorb their attacks and don8217t react, you cut off the supply of oxygen that feeds the raging fire inside them, and they8217re lost as to whether to up their attacks a notch or withdraw altogether, because they rarely face people with high EQ, there are not many around. People of substance will always discuss topics at hand and never blindly throw accusations about someone else8217s personality, they stick to the debate. I asked you Adam: If you have questions use your brain and try to be objective EURCAD still open, with riskier SL too When the second position reaches SL or TP I will post it Don, t you think you are not serious Or maybe you are one of Vahids Forexoma Brokerage friends who scammed hundreds of traders and you do him and yourself a favour to scam people again Linz, When I posted CHFJPY setup it was profitable. That was my objectivity. If you had looked at the chart you would have seen everything. We are here to warn traders against FxKeys. I believe we have done good work and a lot of people know who is behind FxKeys and what plans those people have. A risk free program came to naught then was changed into the Ponzi Scheme what is a crime. It is not the end, and we will supervise and monitor FxKeys further and alert traders 8211 here on the JL Trader8217s website. Pyramid schemes follow a predictable formula. Usually, one person, known as the recruiter, will create a fraudulent business which requires others to pay a fee to join. The people he recruits to the business then recruit others to join as well, and pocket the fees. This cycle of recruitment is supposed to continue indefinitely, so that everyone who joins the business will continue to receive the recruitment fees of the newest recruits. The problem with successful pyramids is that, eventually, there will be no one left to join the pyramid, and those already in the scheme will lose their investment. the Federal Trade Commission has occasionally prosecuted pyramid schemes as deceptive trade practices, or fraud. I do know that we here spoiled FxKeys plans. Be careful, I might sneak in to your trading account and take all the cents in it ( assuming you trade real account). All the best buddy, you made my day today, and for that I thank you Haha Mark you carry on posting FXKeys setups as proof that Pottorff is a bad trader even if he states he won8217t take the set ups and thank you for explaining to me all about ponzipyramid schemes too, but I think it8217s well covered. Thank you for your lesson on objectivity. But please try to discern the difference between fact and conjecture, and proof and opinion. You 8220know8221 and assume so much but it may be better to use words such as 8220maybe8221 or 8220perhaps8221 which would better present your arguments in a more believable form. Otherwise it betrays your enthusiasm to be right and superior before proof is established. That8217s why I mentioned due diligence, with less emotion, which is a requirement if you want to slander someone. You have accused both me and Adam as advocates and scammers and therefore in cahoots because we found your own analysis lazy, and yet if you look further back me and Adam crossed swords too but albeit in a dignified way without abusing each other. In your self confessed objectivity you should have seen that. May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0, August 0, September 0, October 0 EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi No fxkeys performance analysis May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0, August 0, September 0, October 0, November 0 EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi FXKeys trading signals 0 RXKeys trading recommendations 0 FXKeys trade following service 0 FXKeys subscription fees 0 FXKeys trading strategies, up to you FXKeys trade exits, up to you FXKeys risk reward ratios, up to you FXKeys member8217s real profitability data uncollected FXKeys methodologies and technical data are free and not prescribed All information is at trader8217s risk as defined by law so up to you to decide if useful or not Therefore a 0 win rate statistic is a theoretical pissing in the wind 100 FXKeys trading signals 8211 as much as one can see in FxKeys performance analysis. RXKeys trading recommendations FxKeys trade setups. Its up to FxKeys followers if they want to follow ChrisVahids trade setups or not. FXKeys trade following service 1) The First Risk Free Program came to nothing. 2) The FxKeys Millionaire Club (the Second Risk Free Program) came to nothing. FXKeys subscription fees 8211 The FxKeys Millionaire Club 8211 100 monthly pay. FXKeys trading strategies 8211 Bollinger Bands Breakout. FXKeys trade exits 8211 1st. position 1:5, second position bigger. FXKeys risk reward ratios 1st. position 15, second bigger. FXKeys members real profitability data the same as in FxKeys performance analysis. FXKeys methodologies and technical data 8211 Its up to FxKeys followers if they want to follow ChrisVahids trade setups. All information is at traders risk as defined by law so up to you to decide if useful or not Therefore a 0 win rate statistic is the FXKeys members real profitability data. Mark, if that8217s your real name, I am grateful to FXKeys for the trading info provided free and you also are probably still a member albeit undercover so you will not get excluded from any benefits you might receive from whom you criticize so readily. I really don8217t know what the intentions of FXKeys were or are but you seem to know everything. The risk free program of obtaining revenue from advertisers8217 on that site and members being able to tap into that on a points system for real trading was an interesting new idea on face value, but apparently met technical difficulties. You can presume other reasons but that8217s just a guessing game so I refuse to get excited about stuff that may or may not be real. That includes the so called Millionaire8217s club. My only hesitation was paying for something which contradicted the 8216risk free8217 philosophy stated from the beginning. I think many members felt that but it was never officially released (because of criticism or why I know not but you will) and it was an idea that has not yet got off the ground therefore no harm done. So I have to judge only on what actually exists at this point, and that is there is no trade copying service or fees to pay therefore the owner of the site is answerable to no one and is entitled to do or say whatever he likes including analysis which members can follow or not. And you can keep posting monthly winlose rates based on imaginary entries if you have the time. I suspect you lost money and blame FXKeys for that, hence the bitterness. Meanwhile I would rather put energy into mastering trading. You can carry on with being a master sleuth if you want, but you are wasting your time in my view trying to prove a point until you have some real evidence of ill intent and injured parties there are much more important concerns in this world. I wish you trading success May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0, August 0, September 0, October 0, November 0, December 0 EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi Can you explain how you derived those results If you look at 8220Chris8221 articles, he did open some trades according to his analysis. Surely there are some profits from one of those set ups and also mentioned by him Like many, I want to understand and get balanced views of Fxkeys. في صحتك. No matter how, Chris is a liar. But what is good is he is willing to share his knowledge to us and thus it was benefited. His contribution (hook) had lost its magic to pull us in to his fraud. Hi all,, I am also a FXkeys follower, so far I feel an incredible sensation of FOREX trading, Chris and Colleagues tutor very useful. also very precise analysis . If you want to know my transaction history based on the FXkeys analysis. please email to 8221 x6e111ex6ex67dex6d9764x67x6daix6c46cx6fx6d 8221 I will be send my CSV File : 8211 Historical analysis of FXkeys by Chris Pottorrf - period Feb821713 to Jul821715) 8211 History of my demo trading - period Apr821713 to Oct821714 8211 History of my real account - period Jan821715 till now If you want. i can send you my micro lot account number and password 8212 From 10 to 82. in six month 8212 In my experience, the first year with demo Account is not very good, but in 2014 there was a fairly rapid development, so in 2015 I decided to open a real account with an initial deposit of US 1000. Its growth is very impressive, now my account is already a US 37 852. There is wrong with that. Is there an advantage for FXkeys or Chris Pottorrff and Colleagues. Why are you so giddy about who8217s Chris Why do you have to insult us in FXkeys Why you so naive about who8217s Chris and how he This Earth is not your mom8217s. anyone can Comment and Analysis. Bravo FXkeys Happy Trading 8220EURCAD has also formed a long trade setup by 2015.06.29 candlestick on the daily chart. This setup is so similar to EURAUD, but it is stronger. The 2015.06.29 candlestick has closed above middle band while the market is bullish. The candlestick strength and Bollinger Lower Band breakout it has formed, plus the market direction on the daily chart, have formed a 100 score long trade setup8221. The first target reached. The second still open and it is looking very good so far. Since that day ChrisVahid has not published any trade setup because the system he uses has not given any 100 trade setup except (if I remember) one but he missed it. Good Job, Mark. Appreciated your outcome. Good job Noeng. appreciate your outcome. May 0 or (-4), June 0, July 0, August 0, September 0, October 0, November 0, December 0. EURCAD long still open Making a 20 monthly profit for those who really pass the learning stages is a piece of cake. When I started writing on FxKeys and I talked about making this amount of profit, some people criticized that it is not possible to make this profit every month and professional traders say that even 5 monthly profit is too much. However, as I kept on writing on FxKeys, those traders who followed me precisely admitted that it is possible to make even 30 profit every month only by taking the 100 score setups.). Chris PottorffVahid Chaychi Seem like the fxkeys website is down and off service. One less source of trading BS, misinformation and deception. Good riddance. Actually can not said it was 100 BS. There are something useful and kind of encouragement was giving in the articles. Hi Guys, I think we should gather all the fxkeys members somewhere else. Hope you guys see this message. I8217m very sad that FxKeys went down. I tried to suggest to establish an alternativ a few weeksmonths ago but unfortunately people hoped that the website owner would come back. I do not know what happened 8211 maybe the owner died and contracts were quit 8211 because fxkeys the domain cannot be resolved anymore 8211 so the web hosting provider deleted everything as it seems. It does not matter what happened, there were some great people like Raj who did an excellent education in the forums. Just write here if you find this 8211 let8217s see how many members really find that page here in order to evaluate if it8217s worth it to put up a forum alternative. Sebastian i think he didn8217t die because he had replied someone message in his fxkey facebook page. I entered the facebook group I found on that blog, that would be a good way to get in touch again, but I8217m not sure how many fxkeys member will find these comments here, because some may be insulted and not continue reading when seeing the article. Could you please link the facebook page you meant where he replied someone8217s message That someone might have passed away was an idea, because the website was unfortunately a one-man show so if something happened to that person, after several months contracts would get quit including the web hosting stuff. Thanks, It doesn8217t seem anybody reads the stuff in here. The fxkeys DNS name cannot be resolved anymore, this does not usually happen by a technical error 8211 so somebody put the whole stuff offline on purpose. Any ideas for other forex communities to share trading ideas I don8217t want to pay for yet another course (e. g. learnToTradeTheMarkets etc.) they all have communities but you have to buy the course which is useless unless you8217re a total beginner. Alternative forum is better IF there is nothing that we can do about fxkeys Hi Sebastian, i found my way here but i dont know where Raj is. Keith Keith nice to see you, if you like to publish your e-mail address I8217ll write them all down 8211 let8217s give it one week or so to see if more people find their way here. Please post it on other sites too if you find anything 8220fxKeys8221 related so we have a chance to gather the members again: fxkeysforum Very sad to hear of the close down of FXkeys site. It seems to have been on the cards for some months. Just when I joined the site. I didn8217t get any feedback from the owner(s) of the site on my couple of enquiries. I got plenty of useful, and well-intended feedback from the sincere members. As you know, I have found the information on the site to be very useful. I had intended this week to review much of it, as I think going over it a few times helps to cement the ideas in your mind. Initially, I found the Bollinger band break-out strategy to be extremely successful. Of late, I have struggled to stay at break-even over a period of around 2 weeks. This, I believe, has been due to the fact that I have been 8220bending the rules8221 in order to take more trades. This is also, in itself, a valuable learning exercise. 8220Discipline8221 is key I am all for trying to gather the former Fxkeys guys together into another forum of some kind. So I am happy to hear about this connection here. Let8217s hope we can manage to salvage the 8220good things8221 from this mess. I would like to add that these insulting comments posted by several critics and supporters to only contribute to the bad taste that the mention of Forex Trading leaves in many people8217s mouths. I would be inclined to put some credibility to people who put forward logical arguments without resorting to insults and name-calling. All that stuff is very off-putting, and of extremely limited value. I hope we can keep future communications of this kind on a professional footing, and, more importantly, with a sincere intent to assist all members of the trading community, especially the newbies. Hi, sabastion genesis is right. we should get together on some other forum. FxKeys website has been removed from the internet so FxKeys performance analysis won8217t be continued, it is going without saying. Hi Vahid, I hope you will come back one day as Vahid Chaychi, the best trader I have ever met. It8217s over to you. Best regards It is with sorrow that I find fxkeys has gone off the air. After downloading a few articles for study purposes, the process became addictive. After Anglicising Chris8217 English, reformatting much of the prose, highlighting salient points and adding comments of my own in a blue text colour, I formed quite an extensive library of his ideas. The spread of so many different topics led to my having numerous files on different aspects. I am now ruing the fact that I didn8217t download more articles on salient ideas. The comments under articles provided numerous gems, which would be cutpasted to the relevant file, while irrelevant 8220Thanks8221 etc would be deleted. Despite the negative comments of some critics and name-callers, whom I suspect have not been successful in their own FX endevours, nobody has had anything intelligent to say about perceived errors in the system proposed on the fxkeys website. 8220Methink he doth protest too much. 8221 What scammer would dedicate so many hours to writing well-researched, detailed and time-relevant articles, without ever asking for any recompense than the appreciation of those whom he was helping and he has helped so many people, by inspiring them to get off the 8216victim8217 list and get the self confidence to 8216have a go. 8217 Fxkeys will be sorely missed by so many, as is obvious from comments on this site Thanks must go to JL for allowing us to use this site to vent our sorrow over the loss of our lifeline. I was directed here, when looking for a reason for the absence of the fxkeys website. One of you tech-savvy youngsters must set up a site dedicated to promoting the simple trading system and providing a forum site for mutual self-help, where old fxkeys articles can be posted once again from our individual archives. I8217m sure I8217m not the only one who studied and annotated the articles. Since the origin would be credited and since it is for 8216educational and review purposes8217, it would probably be ethical amp legal. I8217m sure Chris would have no objections. In fact, he would probably be flattered to know that he is missed. Personally, I cannot understand how such a wealth of educational material has been allowed to disappear. What has happened to Kamel, Salmaan, Peter Wagner, Michael etc. You would have to check out copyright issues on articles before you publish anything, a lot of his writings were not all his apparently, like Peter Wagner8217s compilation. Peter was an independent contributor while I believe Kamel was a 8220trading buddy8221. Don8217t know if he was part of a team or an individual but there certainly was a lot of sincere people on the site and Chris put in a lot of time and always was very polite to me and always replied to my queries. Like a family which has it8217s emotional connections and therefore it8217s vulnerabilities. Because Chris never had an identity but rather an avatar was a problem for me because he could have solved that although a photo, still is not guarantee of real ID. video would be simpler. Also the site had no address, but like you do in a court of law people are always innocent until proven guilty and he may have had reasons unknown to me so that8217s the position I took. And I didn8217t like damning him and using him at the same time. The analysis and articles were always interesting and an easy read. Most people would have downloaded the 5 Easy Steps, so perhaps that8217s all you need. The FB page which I did not know about says the site will be back, so time will tell but other than that there was no communication or announcements of any kind on his site, not even a goodbye which was disconcerting if it now is final. Thanks to JL also for providing the website for discussion and never deleting any posts and a few did not like JL too Very important to have checks and balances. Cheers to all. It8217s the only FX forum worth being on and heavily moderated. Good community of smart guys sharing strategies and algo8217s. I am guessing that Chris is in Jail. It8217s a just a guess. I used to work for a gut that was perhaps like Chris. He thought he was brilliant, when in actual fact he just used to rip people off. He eventually ripped off the wrong people. They apparently cut off his head and he was found headless in a dumpster. True story Either way if he goes around ripping people off, then he is going to make people angry. They will find him him and get the law onto him or administer their own version of it on him. Either way ripping people off is a very dumb idea and why most people don8217t do it. You might get temporary gratification but the pain you get down the track will be alot worse and last a whole lot longer. Sad. I tested one of his systems and it was profitable You have links If not then that8217s just presumption and a sensational story. There are no facts of and no rip off or injured parties that I know of. Just a mystery and am happy to leave it there. See you all there. Beware We have to always remember that luckscout is fxkeys. Don8217t fall into scam trap again if they ask for money in the near future luckscout (fxkeys) (8230)We are a team of forex and stock traders who have been working with each other for years. We have regular meetings and are in touch through the Internet to share our knowledge, experience, and also the trade setups we locate. LuckScout was created by me, Chris Pottorff(8230) forexoma (8230)Forexoma was originally established by Vahid 8230 Through professional collaboration he was joined by some of his trading buddies and together they helped him achieve this goal. Like many individual traders, all of them wanted to have their own brokerage service for their own trades, and at the same time, a reliable brokerage service for everybody (8230) 8220WARNING: Forexoma Runs Away With Customer Funds Friday, August 23, 2013 10:28 am Forexoma, an online forex training and trading company seems to have disappeared into oblivion, along with exorbitant amounts of Customer Funds. At this very moment, efforts are being made to establish a contact with the ownership of Forexoma, however from the looks of it, chances are high that customers may never see a dime of their hard earned money but then they say 8211 Never Say Never. We at National Forex surely hope this to be true. National Forex News Desk team tried to load the Forexoma website, but not to our surprise, we found that the entire content of the website has been removed with little chance of customers accessing their online information8221 No you8217ve got it all wrong. Chris Porttoff is actually Bill Gates. And because I said so you have to believe me that it8217s true. Bill Gates owns Forexoma. I can8217t actually show you and legal document from a governing body proving that but I swear it8217s true. Just look at all these articles that Chris Porttorff wrote on Fxkeys, they are exactly the same as these other articles that Bill Gates name is on. So you see it must be true. And beware of Luckscout because for the last couple of years they have been peddling money from new traders and selling courses, training, signals and even recommending brokers where they get referral fees from. It8217s true, oh hang on, oops I got that one wrong. None of the above have actually happened but let8217s keep accusing them and talking about them as if they do do that This guy has a couple of threads and has posted several myfcbook accounts showing a 1-2 profit everyday for a couple of months. He8217s trying to discredit lucks out in his threads in hope people there will let him trade there money. Firstly, if he can consistently make 1-2 a day trading the 1 min chart then he doesn8217t need anyone8217s money because he will be a billionaire shortly Secondly, he8217s a scammer and is trying to manipulate newbies on luckscout and simply there is a lot that he claims that just doesn8217t add up, let alone the fact that myfcbook can8217t be trusted anyway, that8217s a whole other scam on its own, particularly with his broker oanda. He claims he trades like floor traders (fx)that work for banks. Well there are no fx floor traders mark, because there is no floor in forex. Also he goes on about 1500 floor traders that citibank(might of said another bank), well once again, no floor traders. They might have 1500 people taking currency orders, because they are a bank but that8217s different from trading for profit. Anyway I thought I8217d better bring this up somewhere so all the luckscout people reading this, have some common sense, don8217t be fooled by the prospect of riches Hello could someone explain for me why fx keys is a scam the article doesnt make any sense to me. I mean what would he try to acheive by lying It8217s a scam because the guy(s) behind it use a fake name and pretend to be what they are not. Moreover Chris aka Vahid blatantly BS his readers (see the 2 articles I wrote). He also has a history of scamming (in the truest sense of the word) people, google forexoma broker That8217s anybody8217s guess. Once you gather a large enough following of gullible people, there are many ways to fleece them. Thank you for answering that quick. Maybe forexoma was a scam as the reviews says but still, what do you think he is up to He is giving knowledge for free. What could possibly go wrong Have you noticed any flaw in the trading system he uses No, he writes some text on a website for free, that8217s what he does. What can possibly go wrong when you learn something from a fraudulent, zero credibility source You tell me. I don8217t agree that he is fraudulent. He hasn8217t yet ripped off anyone as far as I know. I8217m not saying he is honest either, I8217m just saying it8217s still speculation at the moment. Having said all of that, to answer your question movfiop, The harm comes from new traders getting unrealistic expectations. Besides the forum where it8217s the blind leading the blind, the major issue with the site and some of those free articles is that there is no information on the success rates of real traders, both professional and retail. This is what gives the reader an unrealistic expectation of trading. One of the articles in mind mentions one of his students who turned 5000 into 45000 in 40-50 days in a demo account. Whether or not this statement provided in the article is true or not is irrelevant. The real issue is that8217s not real trading and those kinds of results don8217t happen to most, if not all professional traders. The whole idea of been 70 accurate (which is also mentioned) just adds to the misconception. If read about any professional trader, both past and present, they almost always fit in the 40-60 range. And on a side note, you can have a low success rate and still make lots more than someone who has a much higher rate of success. Most people on that site think they can make a million in a year or less from 1-5000. Although possible history has proven time and time again that it never really happens. My own trading strat yields about 40 success rate and I can go as low as 25 before I end up in the red (statistically, not talking about draw downs) and yet I8217m still doing quite alright, making money slowly but surly. Anyways hope this helps Well it8217s pretty much official now. Luckscout has become what was predicted, and I had hoped so much it wouldn8217t. This program is meant to be getting launched and explained shortly. I don8217t know what it8217s about but there are some obvious red flags like 99 per month, join and become a millionaire etc etc. Such a shame, I learnt a lot from the early days of that site. Yet there are still suckers that believe in ChrisVashid. I guess that if one sooo naive and stupid as to not see the obvious, it8217s better to lose your money on the scam and learn from that. Some people need to learn the hard way. Just an update. Lot of people are blindly signing up and those who are asking the right questions are getting the ring a round with answers. No track record, no indication as to what you will actually get for the money you spend, a lot of talk about a program but that means nothing. Even the other scammers out there give more detail as to what you8217re purchasing. 8216 Soros is worth 24 billion, does that mean he should do everything for free and not be paid for his services82178230 Well no Chris he should be paid for his services but he also has a track record and you don8217t Are the lies So many honest people getting shafted, such a shame. Oh yeah one more thing. Apparently the fees are to pay all the support staff mentors and tech for the program and to promote the program. Now according to google and Chris, luck scout has around 20000 followers, so if 1000 of them join the program at 99 per month, that8217s 100k a month or 1.2 million a year revenue. That8217s a lot of support staff lol Hi jl trader. I think. you have to open a new topic on google like8221 fxkeys ruining your trade account 8221 luck scout ruining your trading account. Because when anybody search that fraud website on the net. he should see similar connection in search results 8221 luckscout a fraud website 8221 like fxkeys And find an opportunity to read realities about luckscout So I think main reason to change website name from fxkeys to luckscout is make a barrier for new members to see warnings about that fraud website 8230. 8220Who Is Behind LuckScout Millionaires Club As I have explained here, we are a big team of successful traders, investors, businesspersons and entrepreneurs who many of them love to share their experiences with people who are interested8221. Hey The LuckScout People Are you sure Are you a big team of successful traders8230 Aren8217t you and your boss Vahid Chaychi money suckers and forex scams What about Forexoma Tell us the truth Are you a real men or cowards Great post just saved me 99 dollars a month Here you can find Forexoma site (previous scam by VahidChris) online again : forexoma. eu All good teachings are there for free. No need to signup for the club Luckscout aka fxkeys is still very active nowadays. What is the millionaires club member about Anyone who joins can share about it

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